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The driver drops us off at the entrance. The towers look higher in person. Remo insists on taking individual pictures of us and as couples the we get one as a group. “She is worse than you.” Pheko whispers next to me.
“Yes, Rego give me more kisses. Pheko look at her like that again.” Remo says, Pheko and I frown then laugh.
Remo has been stealing pictures of us. We are in the queue waiting to pay. We get an indemnity form stating that they are not liable for any injuries and theft.
“Pheko, did you take out life insurances for us?” Buda.
“I am wondering the same thing.”Theo and Remo.
“Gents it’s either this or another episode with beef. I would rather we jump.” Pheko, the guys laugh at him.
“My poor friend, you were really traumatized by that experience hey.” Theo laughs harder.
“You have no idea, please google her father and tell me how I was going to explain to him.” Pheko gives Buda his phone.
“Wait bro, Doctor Chauke is your father in law? Do you know this man?” Buda.
“Yes, Buda. He fathered my wife. And he is willing to be the first Chauke in prison.”Pheko and I laugh.
“Man get me dinner with him please, Masego needs someone with his expertise and gentleness. But he is fully booked till the first week in Jan.” Buda sadly says.
Pheko promises to ask for permission, he and I are the first to jump off. I love the air on my face, I want to do it again. All the nerves are gone. Pheko kisses me when we get to the bottom. We get our picture taken and wait for the others.
“What is wrong with Masego?”
“She has mania something. We will confirm, hey they come. ” Pheko.
“Buda, what was Masego diagnosed with?” Pheko.
“Schizophrenia” Buda.
“OH, and she is on medication I confirm.”
“Yes, I am on medication. I haven’t had an episode in a few months.” Masego. I nod my head and call Babe.
“My baby, how are you?” Babe greets sounding excited.
“I’m good S’thandwa Sam. When are you free for a new consultation? Patient is known to a public health and she is on seroquel.”
“How old is she? Ask her if she can get a letter from her doctors and come see me on Sunday at the house.”Babe.
“Sunday? You have a date with Pheko and Gomo. Khehla lam bantu.”
“I forgot. Can they come Wednesday? In Voslo? But she must be willing to wait in line.” Babe.
Masego nods her head agreeing to the appointment and waiting. I promise Babe to call him later and we hang up. Masego takes pictures of us then we catch the red bus and sit on the roof top. Pheko holds my hand through the ride, he kisses my lips and chats with his friends. We stop at the Freedom park museum. Buda pays our entrance fee. I learn that he is a political analyst. He explains the different pictures and events the pictures mean.
“Those look nice” Theo says when we pass some teens eating ice lollies. We ask them where they bought and we go to the house to buy, we continue walking, there’s stores in vilakazi street, I buy Khensi beads from one of the shops. At 1pm we have lunch at a store that is over prices for nothing, Rego and I complain. “This place is for tourists.” Theo reminds us.
“Clearly.” The pap is washed down with drinks then we ride to Buda’s house. “ Are you okay?” Pheko.
“I am, something is off with Babe. He is forgetful.”
“He is almost retiring, that’s understandable.” Pheko.
“Not like that, he called me yesterday asking what the house pin was. When I called him earlier he asked me how is school and not to forget to book the car for service at Hyundai.”
“That is strange. I will check him tomorrow.” Pheko.
“Thanks. I am going to join the ladies.” He pecks my lips.
I help Masego make a salad. She cooks pap and makes a chakalala. Rego mixes our drinks. The evening is nice, we join the guys outside after eating. At midnight we all go to bed. I am worried about Babe.
It's been 3 days since the outing with Pheko’s friends. S’miso is coming this afternoon. Pheko says Babe was okay on their lunch. I am a little relaxed, my focus is on Miso, next week I will go home and spend the week with Babe. Pheko insisted on us driving one car. We haven’t spoken about my move since the weekend. I have 3 patients and a medical board, meaning a busy day. Pheko will fetch Miso alone. My first patients are here. A couple who lost their son. I greet them and we start our appointment me. An hour later, I see the 2nd patient then the last. The medical board takes longer, I am starving by the time I finish. It is 3pm. I make myself coffee and find Miso in my office when I get back from the kitchen.
“Hey, how are you?”
“I’m good, you look like a wife well taken care of.” Miso gives me a hug.
“I am a kept wife. How are your sisters and mother ?”
“Everyone is good, mama made Amabadada for you, from her garden.” Miso hands me a 2litre tub. I take out one and ask that he calls his mother. She picks up almost immediately.
“M'iso, have you arrived?”
“Mama, I have thanks. Noma is the one who called, I am with her at her work.” He says in isiSwati.
“Oh, did something happen?” She asks concerned.
“Hello, mama S’miso. Thank you for the sweet potatoes. You cooked them just like Gogo used to make. Miso and his brother in law will see what they eat, cause I am full. “I wasn’t sure you would like them. Thank you for giving me a chance, your brother must cook for you. I taught him how to cook.” His mother.
“I can’t wait. Please greet the kids, we will call later.”
“Okay sisi. Miso don’t give Noma problems.” She says before they hang up.
“Did you tell your girlfriend you are coming to the south?”
“Sisi, if you want to know my relationship status simply ask. I will answer you gladly. Yes, she knows I am looking for a job. I am hoping to get this one because the baby is coming in December.” S’miso.
“Haibo, I’m going to be the father’s side.” We both laugh, Pheko knocks and enters the office. He laughs when I share the joke, saying that we will do better. He is done with his meetings and we can go home, Miso takes my bags as we walk to the car. We pass by a fast food place to order supper then drive to the apartment.

Ntsumi ka Moreetsiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें