So Early

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He smiles sadly and gives me a hug. He takes the folder from me. We join the others. We stay for dinner then Pheko drives to the filling station and fills my car and drives us home. The house is quite without the kids. I bath and get into bed. “Hellang, are we back to being single strangers again?” Pheko asks standing at the door.
“I thought you needed some privacy tonight.”
“Come cuddle me, my psychologist told me to tell my loved ones when I need love.” Pheko pouts.
“Using my words against me Mr M.” I wiggle my eyebrows and we laugh. We get into his bed and he pulls me to his chest.
“We are going to be okay right.” Pheko.
“I believe we will. But how did you get a marriage certificate that’s two years  old?”
“I will have to kill you to tell you. What’s your favourite colour?” Pheko.
“Grey and peach. What’s yours?  Do you have friends this side?”
“I love shades of brown and red. I do, you will meet them when we get back from Eswatini. They are upset I didn’t invite them to the wedding.” Pheko. We chat until we fall asleep.
It’s Tuesday afternoon, Babe and the Moreetsi elders decided that we should leave today and sleep at Bab’Chauke’s house. Pheko and I are on our way to Babe’s house. We are all meeting there. His hand hasn’t left mine since I finished packing for us.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes, are you okay?” Pheko.
“When we come back, I want a double chocolate cake and a stake.”
“ Now you want me to be a widower?” Pheko.
“I will have just a few bites then you inject me.”
“Nope, ask for something else.” Pheko.
“We go clubbing and drink until they close.”
“No, you can’t have your first drink with me drunk in a club. How about we have a braai, invite our friends and you can drink all you want in the safety of our house.” Pheko.
“You are such a bore. Okay let’s go bungee jumping at the twin towers?”
“That sounds reasonable enough, no chances of dying. I care about you a lot Regomoditswe, you really have comforted me.” Pheko.
“Hey, no one is dying stop being sweet. We better get in the house before Babe comes to fetch us.”
“And he has a gun.” Pheko. We burst into laughter.
“I am sorry for involving you in all this drama, haven’t seen you smile in months.”
“Mogatsake, I chose you, I involved myself and I wouldn’t want it any other way.” Pheko. He pecks my lips and gets out of the car.
“I was about to call the cops to come get you. Come eat we have to leave.” Uncle Moreetsi says as soon as we greet.
“Regomoditswe, we are going to war and you are in a long skirt, how will you run?” Mrs Moreetsi.
“I’m the one who said she must wear this, she has clothes here mama.” Pheko lies to his mother.
I didn’t know what would be appropriate. I dish up for Pheko then go to my bedroom and take out tracksuits and sneakers. I keep the doek on. Babe calls me to his bedroom, he gives me my pepper spray , he got for me when a girl was attacked near our school. This heightens my anxiety.
The Moreetsi’s are dramatic, I still say. They hired a v class. We have a driver and a car escorting us. Pheko and I are driving with Bab’Gumede in the car. In the V-class are the parents. Pheko wanted us to use our car but his uncle and Babe refused. My head is on his chest the whole ride. At 1am we arrive at Bab’Chauke’s house the cars are parked in the garage. Pheko and I use Khensani’s room after freshening up.
I need a shrink after this week. I can hear every small sound, the fridge and clock kept me up. I woke up soon as I heard frying. “Good morning mama.”
“My baby, did you get any sleep?” she asks touching my face.
“A little, I want today to end and Jabulani and Jabile to leave me alone. Have I not suffered enough?” I cry.
“Everything will go well today and you can go on with your life, Unathi is watching over you, go bath and come help me, does your husband have any allergies?” She asks and I shake my head smiling, I have a husband. “Hey,how did you sleep?” Pheko asks as I walk back to the bedroom after my bath.
“I hardly slept, I will sleep well in my gamazine ceiling.”
“I am married to an idiot. We both laugh, it lightens the mood. He takes his bath and I get dressed in our grey matching tracksuits and sneakers. I help mama set up the table. Babe and Pheko put me in the middle, I can’t stomach anything. I only drink tea. “Please eat a slice.” Pheko whispers, the parents are chatting. I roll my eyes and take the slice of toast he buttered for me.
“I did say that Nom nom was gaining weight, Moreetsi we thank you for feeding her.” Bab’Chauke. I look down embarrassed, I thought they were not watching us.
“Papa, leave the kids.” Mam’Chauke. The table erupts in laughter. I clear the table and Pheko helps me with the dishes. “We are bungee jumping with my friends and their partners on Saturday.” Pheko.
“Anything but beef, right.” I giggle. Pheko and I are called to the table. Babe explains that we need to leave and that we will be in the car behind the Vclass. A lady in a night dress is sweeping the yard when we park. I think it’s the wife. Pheko is holding my hand as we walk in. Babe besides me.
“Morning. Please call your husband and sister. ” Bab’Chauke greets.
“Please come in.” The lady says. A few neighbours are outside to see what is happening. It’s definitely the cars. A young girl greets us and runs outside the yard.
“Sanbonani.” Jabu’s son greets and gives us chairs to sit under the carport. They are not enough, Pheko and I stand up.
“Mpilo this side.” The son. I should really say my brother. He places chairs for Pheko and I, then the wife comes back dressed in a maxi dress.
“Baba ka Smilo will be with you shortly.” The wife.
“Chauke wavukela netivakashi singati. Sanbonani. ” Jabu, he looks older than the last times I saw him.
“I had to, you accused me, I am here with my wife, Nom nom, her husband Pheko next to her, you know Derek, Pheko’s mother and uncle the Moreetsifamily. Please call the Nduna and inform him that we are here to be your witness. ”  Bab’Chauke.

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