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Pheko and I have been cuddling in bed since dropping Babe off at the home. I  anxious for him, his traveling again now and it was said that the air space was not safe for a few weeks. The report he received said it is safe. My anxiety stems from knowing that Babe, is not himself and he seems in pain. With Pheko going, I will be stewing in my thoughts alone, Make’s death should have prepared me for losing Babe but it hasn’t, I feel alone.“Do you want me to cancel tomorrow?” Pheko asks sitting up.
“No, I will be okay. I am going home after dropping you off.”
“I am worried about you. You are crying.” Pheko wipes my tears.
“I don’t want you worrying, Pheko because you won’t be safe. I will be okay, I promise. I was thinking about my mother. When you come back, we must go to her and get her pictures.”
“I will take you, should I call Miso to come and stay with you?” Pheko.
“No, don’t bother him. His woman is pregnant.”
“Okay, come give me give me a hug.” I feel better after the hug. He says he is sleepy, I close my eyes and pretend to sleep. I watch him sleep before leaving the bedroom and I make myself tea then I play a movie on mute.
“Lerato laka, wake up.” Pheko wakes me up, I check the clock and it’s 5am. He needs to be at the base in 2 hours.
“Hey, did you  sleep well?”
“Yes, your water is ready.” He folds my fleece, after taking my bath. I get dressed in a shirt dress and sneakers.
“Thanks.” Pheko made pancakes, we eat listening to music. He drives us to the base, we stay in the parking waiting for the rest of his team.
“I know, I am not the man…” He stops me from interrupting him.
“I am not your ideal husband and even boyfriend, I promise you though, you are it for me. The past few months together have been amazing and I will spend my last breath making you feel loved and taken care off. I will be gone for a week and worse case scenario is that I will be gone for a month. In that month rato laka, know that I am carrying you in my heart and I will come back for you. I love you.” Pheko.
“I don’t want you saying that, it sounds like goodbye.”
“Im sorry, don’t cry. How about, I will see you later?” Pheko.
“Sounds better.” He wipes my tears, I don’t even know why I am crying.
“I will try calling you when I get there okay. Smit will give you and update if I am not back.” Pheko.
“No, Pheko you are coming back and you will update me. Your friends are here.” I take a deep breath and open the door, he follows me.
“Mrs Captain. How are you? Have you met my Mrs? ” Mbazo greets.
“Hey, Mbazo no I haven’t.” He takes my hand and we walk to a double cab, the lady gets out.
“Mabebeza, this is Moreetsi’s wife.” Mbazo introduces.
“It’s nice to meet you, my name is Regomoditswe not Moreetsi’s wife.” She laughs and tells me her name is Sam. Pheko is behind me, hugging me, I look up and smile.
“You were right, here’s your money.” Chabalala’s says to Mbazo.  Sam and I frown.
“We made a bet, Moreetsi can’t get his hands off his wife.” I laugh because Pheko chases Mbazo.
“Moreetsi, in my uniform, you are kissing the wife you married and didn’t invite me?” A man, I’ve never met before says. Pheko, pecks my lips again and he pulls me to him laughing.
“Number, Jealousy looks bad on you.” Pheko. They hand shake.
“Mrs Moreetsi, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I am Number, the man who will make sure your man is home safe soon.” He introduces.
“Number, don’t stress my wife.” Pheko calls him out, they all exchange looks.
“Nice to meet you.” We are called to the parade ground for a prayer. Pheko gives me a tight hug then he jogs to the truck with his bag. Sam and I hold hands, she is in tears. They will be back soon, I say to myself more than her. They break into a song and whistles. While loading their bags. “Bravo, Bravo, Brovo we mama.” The song says, it’s beautiful to watch, Pheko turns back and blows me a kiss. I wave with a smile on my face, wiping my tears away. I love watching his playful side.
They get on the plane. Sam and I exchange numbers and get into our cars. “You are my favourite, I can’t wait to get back home to you. Check in Momo’s room. I got your something.” I am in tears. My head is in the staring wheel. My phone rings. “Miso.”
“Sissy, may you please send me your address for the Uber.” Miso.
“Okay, I will.”I drive home and find Babe in the garden. His picking strawberries. “Babe, how are you?”
“Ntsumi, how was school?” Babe.
“Babe, it was good. Have you eaten?” I stop myself from correcting him because it frustrates him.
“Yes, I made you some pasta.” Babe.
“I saw, thank you. Should I help you?” he shakes his head and gives me the dish half filled with the fruits. I thank him and go greet Aunty.
“Aunty, how are you?”
“I am okay, have you seen your father?” Aunty.
“Yes, his outside.”
“He made these for you. He says you are sick and coming home, what is wrong with him?” She points at a dish of pasta.
“He has an illness that makes him forgetful. I spoke to a nursing agency and I will be doing interviews for people to help you.”
“You are chasing me away?” she asks with her hands on her head.
“No Aunty, Babe will need someone to help him bath and eat and drink his medication. You will continue to work her, I have to say though Aunty, Babe has cancer and they say it is spreading. We may lose him sooner, than we are prepared. We will have to find you work somewhere else. ”
“Can’t we take him to church? Maybe it’s witchcraft.” I hold my laughter, she is whispering.
“No Aunty, he has been sick for a while and the doctors are working hard to help him.”
“What are you gossiping about? Ntsumi ya mina, where is your husband?” Babe. I explain that he left for work already. Babe takes out baking ingredients, Aunty and I sit with him on the counter. Seeing him this functional, gives me half hope. I know it’s temporary but I’m happy.

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