Abuser Me?

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“Montle waga Pheko maan.”  Pheko whistles and spins me around the kitchen. I blush.
“Good morning.” I greet his aunt who is sitting with two ladies.
“When I got married, I woke up long before my inlaws to swipe the yard and make breakfast for my family.” His aunt. I stare at her because she didn’t say my name meaning she is not talking to me.
“You were not married to Pheko. My wife, is not here to audition to be the best wife, if you want to clean walls and swipe floors, please don’t involve my wife.” Pheko. I smile and walk to the lounge to find his mother.
“Rego, how did you sleep? You missed breakfast.” His mother greets getting up.
“I slept well thanks mama, how did you sleep?”
“I slept good, your found is this side. And there’s no beef.” We burst into laughter looking at Pheko, who shakes his head.
“Thank you. May I fix your hair before you go back to work?”
“Yes thank you, I will buy fibre tomorrow.” I eat my toast with eggs and cheese. Pheko eats the one slice. I wash the dishes then we drive to his friends car wash.
“Gents.” Pheko greets a group of people sitting around a table with beer in buckets in front of them.
“Moreetsi, Phekos, sure sure, hello.” The group greets.
“Guys this is Regomoditswe my wife. Rego, these are my friends and their partners. You still remember Theo from yesterday right?”Pheko.
I nod and wave before taking a seat on the bench next to Theo. His childhood friend. He introduces me to everyone and the girlfriends. Only Thabo is married. “Never thought you would get over Minne to an extent of getting married.” One of the girls comments.
“If you are tired and want to sleep, then go to the car or call a cab Candice, Pheko is not your friend meaning his wife is not either.” He boyfriend sternly says. He looks at me and mouths a sorry, I smile back and I nod my head.
“Are you having that gin and tonic because there’s no cocktail here.” Pheko asks.
“I’ll have guava juice and some wings please.”
“Gents anything else?” Pheko.
“I’ll come with you” the guy who defended me says getting up. The other want refills and braaid meat.
Pheko pecks my lips and gets up. I ask for the car keys, he gives me a questioning look but hands me the keys. I laugh getting up as well. “I’ll be back.” I say to no one in particular. I take my bag from the car and walk back to the table. They are talking about soccer, Pheko is not back yet. I answer my ringing phone. “Sthandwa sam.” I answer.
“Ntsumi ya mina, how are you? You sound outside.”
“I’m good. We are at a car wash na Pheko.”
“Makoti who doesn’t do chores.” Babe laughs.
“Thina sa shadeka phela.” We laugh, I can’t hear a word he is saying. Pheko walks back with his friend and he places the tray in front of me.
“Nang mfana wako.” I give Pheko the phone, he laughs and greets then gives me the phone, I promise Babe to call him later.
“I thought you were cheating on my friend.” Theo.
“Dude, I thought I was the only one.” Another comment.
“She’s a daddy’s girl, I have made peace.” Pheko.
The conversation moves to someone’s farm. Then a store, get lost between security systems. I get a refill and go to the bathroom with Theo’s wife. Remo, I finally get her name.“Thank you for walking with me.” I say as we wash our hands.
“It’s a pleasure. Please accompany me to the car, I am feeling cold.” Remo. I nod my head and walk her to their car. She changes her sandals and gets her jacket. I also take mine and Pheko’s. The meat is refilled, Remo is now sitting next to me and we are talking work. She is a child and adolescent occupational therapist. She too wants to open a practice after her comserve. My throat feels dry so I ask for water.
“Are you okay?” Pheko asks handing me the bottle. I nod my head as I drink, the water is not helping. I try clearing my throat, and drinking water again. I get up from the bench. Because I’m suddenly feeling hot and can’t breathe. Pheko is by my side panicking. I feel my face swelling and my eyes getting itchy. “In.. M.. Bag get med.” I try making out a sentence, my dry throat restricts me.
Remo gets what I wanted to say and she brings my epipan. I pull my skirt up for her to inject me. “Pheko she will die if you don’t give her this.” Someone shouts, I try focusing on my breathing. Remo snatches the epipan and injects me. I close my eyes and take in everything. “Ntsumi don’t close your eyes.” Pheko’s shaky voice.
“Should we call an ambulance?”
“Is she okay?”
“Relax, she’s have an allergic reaction to something.”
“Nom nom, don’t sleep.” Pheko. I give him a sleepy smile. My breathing is getting better.
“I’m okay. I need to sleep though.”*clears throat.
“Yho, you scared us. What are you allergic too?” Theo.
“Beef and thinamon.” My hair tongue feels swollen.
“Were the wings braai first or after the beef?” Pheko.
“What’s thinamon?” Remo and I laug.
“I think we must get the Mrs home and we will meet tomorrow. Plus it is late.”
“Will you be okay?” Remo asks. I nod and give her my numbers. Pheko drives us home. His mother and aunt are outside with another lady.
“Pheko Moreetsi, I did not raise a woman beater, what’s this?”
“Hehe hehe. I knew she would get the reward. Where have you seen a bride leave the house till this late?” His aunt.
Pheko helps me to room. I ask for my beg and takes out my medication. I drink them and get into bed, his mother is fluffing my pillows, giving Pheko the silent treatment.
“Thank you mama. Pheko didn’t..” she cuts me off.
“ Sleep my baby we will talk in the morning. Are you comfortable with him or do you want to sleep with me?”
“He didn’t hit me, it’s the beef.”
“Rest your throat. Goodnight.” She closes the door. Pheko and I laugh. He joins me in bed and puts my head on his chest. Apologizing for the meat mix up. Sleep wins the battle, his hands help me sleep.

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