Take Her

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“I knew she would come back, Phasha wouldn’t pay without knowing her.”Jabile. I wish I could slap her.
“She is already married. The solution is that you give him back his money.” The second in command.
“We used the money for the wedding preparations and fixed the house.” Jabu.
“Thata wedding preparations, I guess Sebenzile will give up her child or you can give them that one Jabu is holding.” His wife looks at me in horror.
“No, he paid for you.”Jabile.
“Then give him Sebenzile she will grow his family. We already know she can.” Pheko and Bab’gumede laugh.
“Chauke, thank you for being an honourable man who did what many would have failed. I even learned a new word today because of you, ntombi what is the word again? I must tell my wife.” The second in command.
“Gas light Babe, we use the word when someone makes us feel crazy when we express our hurt because of their behaviour.”
“Siyabonga Chauke, please have a safe journey back home. Nkosi will pay back Phasha, unless they have a substitute for him. I will give him 2 months to pay back or come up with a solution.” The second in command.
We all get up from our seats. Smilo walks to me, Pheko sends me behind him protectively. “I won’t harm her, I want to apologize for our fathers behaviour and for the pain they caused you. My mother didn’t know about you until that man came to ask for your hand. Please do not hate her, some day when you have healed maybe we can get to know each other. ” Smilo.
“Thank you. It is not your place to apologize. Please take Pheko’s numbers you can text me after work or on weekends unless you work  on weekends. I’ll download the app soon, sorry I talk too much when I’m anxious.”
“I don’t work yet. I had an interview a few weeks ago. They are opening a mall.” S’milo.
“Good luck. We should get going.” I look at Pheko, he takes my hand, I still have his phone saving Smilo’s number.
“Are they coming with us?” Mrs Moreetsi.
“Ask Mmaditaba.” Pheko laughs, his mother swats his hand.
Smilo and Pheko talk about being guards. I learn that Smilo was a guard and the company closed so he got retrenched. Jabu and his wife approach us, the little girl reaches her hands to me. I pick her up and throw her in the air, she laughs. Jabu and Jabile start walking home I think.
“We must leave, come Lulu.” The wife tries to take her child, but she clings on my neck and cries. I hush her up.
“She doesn’t want to let go, come with us to the car. We will drop you off.”
“I don’t want to burden you.” She says still trying to pick her daughter up.
“We came together it’s not a big deal.”
She gets into the backseat with Pheko and I. The drive to my grandparents house is shorter. We pass Jabu and his sister on the road. The baby is sleeping, I hand her over to her mother, Smilo comes to shake Pheko’s hand and asks that he continues to take care of me. “I love her, she will always be safe.”Pheko.
We drive to Bab’Chauke’s house, my head on Pheko’s shoulder. “Did you mean it when you said Phasha can raise your sister to raise as a wife?”Pheko.
“No, I was only making a point that I am happily married and grown, if he wants to arrange marriages he has other kids.”
“Happily married and happy?.”  Pheko.
“Happiness is subjective.”
“But are you happy?”Pheko.
“I am content.”
“We must work on Happy.” Pheko.
“I will be once everything is settled I would love to taste oxtail with red wine. ” He shakes his head.
“Did you see the look ntate Gumede and your dad gave your aunt when she said you should come home? That was the only time I realized that colonel, is really willing to be the first Chauke in prison for you.” Pheko. We burst into laughter so does the driver.
“He really does love me. Now that we are done, I was thinking that I could go back home or rent an apartment next to your place for the rest of the year, incase Phasha is watching you know. Or do you think that we should wait a bit?”
“MO, please turn on the radio.” Pheko ignores me. We park in front of Bab’Chauke’s gate, Pheko opens the door for me and remains outside while I enter the yard. Babe is holding his bag, looks like he was walking out. He drops it and gives me a tight hug. I hear him sniff, I stay a little longer in his embrace. He quickly let’s go and walks out with his bag, mama khensi stops me from following him. 
A while on the table for lunch, there’s a knock on the door. Bab’Chauke opens and walks back with Jabu. Pheko holds my hand from under the table. “Nomaswazi, may I please speak to you alone.” Jabu.
“Regomoditswe, I don’t feel comfortable around, please say what you must.”
“I wanted to ask for forgiveness and ask that you come visit us. I miss you.”Jabu. I frown and tell him that I forgive him and I will think about his visiting him. Pheko helps me wash the dishes after Jabu leaves. Babe says we need to leave an hour later. Pheko let’s me rest my head in his lap, feel sleepy.
“Ntsumi, wake up. We are home.” Pheko gently shakes me.
“Moreetsi, thank you for accompanying us. Ntsumi, I will see you two Sunday for lunch.” Babe gives me a hug. MO drives us to Pheko’s apartment. I pour bath water and soak myself in the bath playing music. “You need to get out of the tub Ntsumi, you will catch a cold.” Pheko starlets me.
“I’ll be out now.” The water is cold, I finish bathing then go to Gomo’s room and take out my phone to start searching for accommodation near Pheko’s place..
“We need to talk.” Pheko knocks on the door. I put the phone away and find him on the couch.
“I made you tea in that cup.” Pheko, I thank him and take a sip.
“So, what do you want to talk about? “
“Us, you. How are you feeling now that we are back?” Pheko.
“I feel relieved.”
“That’s good, I don’t think Phasha will give up yet. He is a conniving person and hates loosing.  “I figured. I am looking at places to give you privacy and we can show face in public.” He rubs his face frustrated.

Ntsumi ka MoreetsiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora