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I wake up sweaty and my body still paralyzed. I try praying but that doesn't help. "Dombolo, open your eyes." Pheko whispers on my side. He kept the lights off, I open my eyes which are sleepy still. He pulls me into a hug and I cry, he lets me cry until I feel better. "Why didn't you tell me? Your father wanted to drive here at this hour." Pheko, he is throwing things into his bag which he puts at the door. He has hard lines on his forehead, he still looks as handsome.

"I didn't want to worry you."

"Ntsumi, you were kidnapped, to be married to that sick man. We brought you here and you are telling me about bother? The hell man. We don't even know what he gave you. " Pheko, reprimands me in a low voice.

"I'm sorry, Babe and Babe'Chauke were the only ones who knew my story. We kept it that way for my safety."

"F.#k, now we blew your cover." Pheko says, there's a knock on the door.

"Pheko, Ntsumi." Mr Moreetsi knockson the door.

"We have to go now." Mr Moreetsi says pushing through the room and he takes Pheko's bags and my shoes. I don't know when Bab' Gumede arrived. I am gently put into the car, Pheko joins me and keeps his arms around me. The car starts moving. We drive to the airport. The lady at the counter looks at me funny, I think it's the wheelchair and oversize shirt. Pheko asks the lady to accompany us to the bathroom. He pushes me and helps me pee.

"You could have waited outside you know."

"Don't start please, be quick."Pheko, I was trying to joke but his clenched jaws, tell me to back down. We go to the restaurant, To take our tickets from Mr Moreetsi. Pheko and I fly to PE, I frown when we board. He tells me not to worry and then he puts me in the window seat. My anxiety is at a peak as the plane leaves the runway.

"Wake up Ntsumi." Pheko shakes me. We check out, with no luggage. He books us into a B&B not far from the airport. He keeps checking his phone for a text I think.

"I'm going to get us clothes and food. Before we leave." Pheko.

I nod my head, I feel tingling on my left side. And warmth on my right, I try getting out of bed and fall, hurting myself. I give up trying to get up and wait for Pheko to return.

"Why didn't you wait? Kgosatsana, you need to work with me. Look at how swollen you are." His face is hard, he helps me take a bath with the towels he bought, his not looking at me in a sexual manner but I'm self conscious about my small breasts and pointy belly button. He helps me get dressed in matching tracksuits then takes a shower himself, he walks out dressed and he gives me my phone on speaker.


"Nom nom, how are you? I'm sorry I can't be there with you now."Babe.

"I know you would, if you could. I can feel some sensations. My lips though feel swollen, otherwise I'm fine. How are you?"

"Moreetsi will drive home with you. But first you have to buy tickets to Cape Town international incase you are being followed okay. Don't give him trouble, I know you. Post a few pictures you took in Cape Town in the hotel or outside." Babe laughs, his laughter is forced.

"I have been good, I will post, I love you." My tears fall as I try to swallow the lump in my throat.

"I will see you soon my angel. Give Moreetsi the phone." Babe. My heart breaks that I can't even pass a simple phone. Pheko takes the phone and he goes outside.

"You are such a snob." I tease him about the clothing brand he got us.

"We may be on the run but you know me and this brand are lovers for life." Pheko. We check out, and get into a cab that drops us at the airport. Pheko buys tickets for a flight at 3pm.We go to the restaurant and buy coffee. Pheko answers his phone, then a lady, beautiful I must add, walks in and sits on a table near ours. Pheko moves closer to me and kisses me ear. I want to fight him but he holds me under the table. "That lady who just walked in is going to the bathroom, I am going to push you there and you will get the car keys. Smile as if you are enjoying this. " Pheko whispers.

It takes everything in me not to roll my eyes. I laugh and he kisses my neck. I see the lady get up and he pushes me to the bathroom and waits outside the door. "Mrs Moreetsi, the car is parked at the long term parking a bronze merc c200." The lady puts the keys in my pocket and she pushes me to the door , Pheko thanks her and we go to the parking.

He drives us out, he tells me that I can sleep, I'm too anxious to sleep. We stop after 5 hours on the road. At a one stop filling station. He orders food and he feeds me in the car. I can feel both my feet now, my right leg is still sleeping.

Pheko helps me in the bathroom and we find Bab'Gumede sitting on table near the bathroom, with another man I don't know.

"Nkosazana ngajabula uku'bona."(I am happy to see you.) Bab'Gumede says.

"Namfuthi Bab'Gumede. Ngyabonga." (me to, thank you.)

"We need to get going." Pheko says. We get into a black Merc V class with tinted windows and automatic doors. Pheko and I are in the back seat, he pulls my head to his chest and holds my hand.

"Rest, I will wake you up." Pheko.

"Nawe futhi rest, kunini s'vukile."

"Sleep both of you. The seats recline." Bab'Gumede. We don't argue with him. I don't know between Bab'Gumede's driving and whatever I was drugged with that leaves me sleeping. I wake up in the Moreetsi Suv. Pheko is sleeping, his arm protectively around me. He holds me tight when I stir. I can't keep my eyes open.

"Gumede, I don't know how I will ever repay you for this." I think I hear Babe's voice, but I could be dreaming. My head hurts, feels like it's split in half. The sun is out and blinding, this room is hot. It smells like cakes, I sit up and see Babe's headboard, I am in his room. I panic and whisper out for Pheko as I search the bedrooms, no one is in them.

"Let me marry her, next weekend my uncles will be here."Pheko.

"Pheko there has to be another way, she's too young for marriage. I saved her from one and now you want to put her in it? No."Babe's voice sounds strained.

"What other way? Those people already paid half her bride price. I can get everything done by this weekend and they won't have a say." Pheko.

"I hate to admit it, but he is right. They can sign a pre-nap if assets are what you are protecting, my contact at home affairs can get us a date as in yesterday, that will have the marriage registered before Phasha went to her aunt. They can live separate lives, just until Phasha is handled." A voice I don't know.

"No, that's my baby girl, do you know how useless I felt in the past 48 hours. No, think of something. I will ship her off." Babe.

"So you will move her again? We found anaesthesia drugs in her system, if he could do that then he won't stop searching for her?" Mr Moreetsi.

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