Chen's Plan

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Y/n covered her mouth with her hand to hide her ridiculous smile. The little snake had an attitude, that's for sure, but she couldn't believe he had caused so much trouble.

"I suppose this is about that culturally insensitive noodle baron and his ilk that are now Anacondrai?" Pythor guessed. "Impostors, if you ask me."

"You are the last remaining Anacondrai," Jay pointed out. "You must know how to stop them."

Pythor crossed his arms and threw his head to the side. "I'm not going to say another word until you can figure out how to make me big." He turned towards his little house. "And don't ask me to trust a Ninja."

Y/n's smile dropped. He sounded like her.

"Would you trust a snake?" Garmadon countered, slithering up to the dollhouse.

Pythor gasped. "Garma-Condrai? Oh, now my interest is piqued." He thought for a moment before holding out his little hand. "Let's make a deal, shall we?"

Out of nowhere, Zane suddenly went rigid. He exited the prison cell, confused. Y/n followed, pausing next to Zane when he stopped in the hallway.

"What is it?" Y/n asked quietly.

Zane scanned the prison, barely registering her presence. "Pixal tells me we might have unannounced visitors," he replied warily.

"Pixal?" Y/n repeated. "The other nindroid? She's here?"

Zane pointed to his head. "I had to take her neural net and put it in my processor," he replied.

Y/n blinked. "Oh."

Before she could say any more, the loudspeakers screeched to life. "There's been a breach in Sector Two! They appear to be Anacondrai and — uh, oh, they're coming my way. They see me talking on the intercom. Oh, boy, here they come. Why am I still talking on this thing?"

Y/n stared at the speakers. As soon as it shut off with static, the prisoners all began yelling and pounding on their doors. Y/n ran back into Pythor's cell to see the Ninja already on alert.

"You led them to me?" Pythor demanded. "What have you done? There's no escaping an Anacondrai!" He bolted over to the dollhouse wardrobe and tugged at the handles, but it didn't budge. "Curse this fraudulent furniture!" He shrieked. He took the lampshade and forced it over his head.

"That's not doing anything," Y/n observed dryly.

"Tell me, Pythor! How do we stop them?" Garmadon demanded, lifting the lampshade. "What is their weakness?"

"Don't you get it?" Pythor snapped. "There are no weaknesses. They're Anacondrai!" He yanked the lampshade back over his head.

Kai, closest to the door, interrupted them. "Guys, we've got company!"

Cole walked out, pulling on his hood. "I'll handle this," he announced, running over to the central tower and slamming on the side. A bunch of bricks fell off and hovered around him, which he promptly threw at the approaching Anacondrai. But the first one dodged and the second sliced through the bricks, resulting in them crashing into the prison cells behind the snakes and bending the bars.

The Kai and Jay ran over to join Cole, Y/n right behind. "We're trying to keep the inmates in, not let them out!" Jay snapped as he and Kai pulled on their hoods, running over to the snakes. Jay lunged at the first Anacondrai, but it ducked, grabbed his arm, and threw him clear to the other side of the prison. Kai leaped on top of the second snake to strangle it, but had little success.

"Zane, keep them busy." Y/n turned as Zane left the prison cell at Master Wu's instruction.

"Uh, what do you think we've been doi—" Kai yelped as the snake threw him over its shoulders, and he slid on the ground. Y/n took his place, forming a dagger with her powers similar to how she'd created the Jade Blade. She lunged at the Anacondrai, then jerked back and swung around to feign her attack. She managed to get behind the snake, but its tail slammed into her and she tumbled backwards.

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