Trust Issues

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A/n: Shorter chapter, but the story makes up for it :D

Thunder crashed overhead, a bolt of lightning briefly lighting up the sky before everything plunged into darkness once more.

Buried in a cocoon of blankets huddled a small child, days shy of her second birthday. She cried out as another clap of thunder shook the house, and she trembled with cold and fear.

"Y/n?" A concerned yet calm voice called. Gentle hands grabbed the young girl from her nest and brought her to the man's shoulder. "Hey, it's okay."

"Daddy," she whimpered. "There's a monsfwer outsfwide."

The man chuckled, and the sound soothed the girl. "No, silly, it's just a sound. There's nothing there."

"But—" Y/n began, but another flash of lightning made her shriek and bury her head in the crook of her father's neck.

Garmadon ran his fingers through the child's already long golden hair. Even with the evil in his veins, he cared deeply for the child — a creature of light, as proven by his Oni side protesting him even being near her. But he ignored his inner voices and wrapped his arms protectively around his only child.

She meant the world to him. Just one tiny human, and he would do anything for her.

"Listen, Y/n," Garmadon soothed. "Even if there was a monster out there, I wouldn't let them touch you." He gently set her on the ground, and she gripped his shirt with surprising strength. "They'd have to get through me first!" He said in a mock threatening voice, reaching forward to tickle Y/n.

She giggled, releasing Garmadon's shirt to try and escape the attack. But Garmadon followed her, reaching forward with a mischievous grin on his face. "No one escapes Garmadon!" He cackled.

Y/n shrieked with laughter, once again burying herself in her blankets. But this time it was to avoid her father, not the illusionary monster that was the thunderstorm.

As Garmadon tried to reach Y/n through her shield, he heard a crash.

All laugher drained from him in an instant. Garmadon stood up straight, keeping one hand on Y/n's blankets and the other raised defensively in front of him. No one else should be here — Misako was out buying tea from Mystaké, and they hadn't planned to have visitors.

"Who's there?" Garmadon yelled with real malice in his voice. He felt Y/n poke her head out of the blankets, confused at his sudden change in attitude.

She must've sensed his anger and whimpered. "Daddy?"

Garmadon spared a glance behind him and forced a small smile on his face. "Y/n, I want you to hide, okay? Hide under your blankets until I come get you."

Her small eyes widened in fear at his tone and she dove back into her cave.

Reluctant to leave his daughter, Garmadon approached the doorway and peered out into the darkened house. Nothing.

Then a sound that chilled his bones: Y/n let out a high-pitched scream.

Garmadon whirled around just in time to see three cloaked figures grab his daughter from her bed and lunge towards the locked window. Garmadon's hand lit up with purple fire and he blasted it at the lead attacker, but they dodged, and the blast shattered the window.

Using the opportunity, the figures leaped into the rain, taking Y/n with them.

Not to be defeated so easily, Garmadon gave chase, ignoring the pelting rain and proximity of the lightning. He was instantly soaked to the skin, but barely felt it, desperately trying to keep his daughter in sight.

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