Walls Break

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That evening, the Tournament continued.

"Skylor, Master of Amber!" Chen announced loudly to the otherwise dead-silent room. "Versus Jacob, Master of Sound! Fight, fight!"

Jacob stumped on his guitar. It hadn't taken Y/n long to realize he was blind, relying solely on his sound to locate objects. Skylor studied the fancy pots around the room before choosing one to throw a spear at, running over to grab the bow that appeared.

Y/n sat between Shade and Neuro, watching her once-sister fight the blind elemental. Close enough to the Ninja to listen to them, far enough to avoid suspicion of her shaky alliance.

Skylor ran around to the other side and shot the bow several times at Jacob, who somehow dodged each. He leapt on top of an arrow before strumming his guitar fiercely at Skylor, sending a wave of energy at her.

Skylor ducked, but the sound also traveled up to the Elemental Masters. Y/n dodged the blast, glancing over to see the Ninja's reactions.

"The Master of Sound's gotten stronger since the last time I saw him," Garmadon commented, impressed.

Skylor continued to play hide and seek with Jacob, managing to tap his shoulder and absorb her powers.

And that's game, Y/n sighed internally. Now she's just going to play with her food.

As Y/n predicted, Skylor let Jacob throw shurikens at her but easily dodged them, making Jacob use up his weapons.

"Excuse me. Excuse me," a new, breathless voice said. "Uh, don't mean to block your view. Just passing through."

A rain-soaked Kai shuffled his way down the line of elementals, stepping on most of their feet. Y/n drew her legs to her chest to avoid this, but glared daggers as Kai passed. He grinned sheepishly before joining the Ninja. "Sorry. All these temples look the same. Did I miss anything?"

"By the looks of it," Jay scoffed, "you didn't miss much." He looked back at the Elemental Masters, who glared in Kai's direction while rubbing their pained toes. Y/n continued to stare coldly at him, but he ignored all of them.

Jay was the only one to look worried. "Maybe we shouldn't be sitting together. I mean, the more they think we're a team, the bigger targets we put on ourselves."

Alright, Sparky, Y/n almost laughed. You are all wearing the same uniforms and you've been together this whole time. I think they know you're a team.

"Don't say that," Lloyd protested, "we are a team. Sure, we just lost Cole and still can't find Zane, but we're a team. Just smaller. All the more reason to stick together."

Y/n felt a pang of guilt at Zane's name. She still hadn't told them she knew where he was, and that he was fine. In fact, he may have escaped. Distraught, she turned her attention back to the battle, where Skylor threw a blast of fire at Jacob.

Kai jumped up. "Skylar's fighting?" He cried excitedly.

"What has him so excited?" Garmadon asked, confused.

Jay grinned as he turned back to the Master. "He had a crush on her until he found out they might be related."

Y/n wanted to gag. They thought Kai and Skylor were related? Hell no. Not even close.

Garmadon managed a smirk. "Her element isn't fire," he explained. "She's the Master of Amber, power of absorption. She can emulate the power of anyone she's touched."

Below, Jacob threw away his burning guitar.

"You're telling me we're not related?" Somehow, Kai was even more excited.

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