vi - Pericolo estraneo

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Pericolo estraneo
Stranger danger

The long-awaited day had finally made its entrance. The air was abuzz with activity as the invited guests assembled slowly into the large church. The security was tight, everyone was checked thoroughly but carefully to not arouse disorder.

Corazon had immediately told her parents about Saverio the moment she woke up very early after which she called Gualtiero to tell that his "old friend" had texted her. She sent pictures of their exchange and he told her there was nothing to be worried about. He assured her and her parents that he'll take care of whatever problems Saverio might create.

"Looks like the fucker still has his balls." Gualtiero remarked over the phone.

"I'm really scared. What if he tries to hurt you or your family?" She choked out worriedly.

"Relax sweetheart. He isn't as big of a threat as you might think, he can't do that much damage."

"Well for all we know, he could go to extreme lengths to get back at you."

"Then he'll find me willing and able to take him on. Don't worry your little head on matters like these. Just focus on getting ready to be my bride."

She let out a sigh, choosing to have faith in her husband-to-be, "Ok, I trust you Gualtiero."

"That's my girl. I can't wait to see you coniglietta."

"Neither can I."

Just like when the preparations for her engagement were being made only a bit more, stylists and make-up artists were in her room getting her ready for her big day.

Her mother was mostly by her side, inspecting everything and giving her advice on what to do once she got married. She told her things like, 'Don't be a burden on your husband, he'll tire of you easily if you are', 'Always be willing to try new positions', 'Identify anyone who could possibly jeopardise your marriage and deal with them.'

After a long while, she was ready. Her wedding gown was simple yet elegant, befitting of a young woman that was both cultured and refined. Her eyes sparkled in delight and for that moment she felt calm wash over her.

When everyone else left the mother and daughter in the room, Safiyah looked happy and sad simultaneously. It was overwhelming to accept that her baby was no longer a baby.

She told her many things, hoping that her daughter survived the reality of an arranged marriage which was that it might not be as good as it often appeared.

"Remember to hold your head up high and keep a tight rein on your man. You have the power to create lives and to end them too you know."

Corazon held back the waterworks. It was no time for tears, this wasn't a goodbye. All will be well and no one will die.


A man, who sat on a wheelchair, was overlooking a wide estate through the large windows. His attention was entirely elsewhere until the door opened and someone came in.

The newcomer whose name was Ciro walked to the large bed in the middle of the room and sat on it.

"They're all in place, it won't be long before we get her."

The man on the wheelchair hummed.

"I really can't wait to see his face, poor guy would be madder than a wet hen. He wouldn't know what hit him and quite frankly I can't wait for our new guest."

Saverio finally turned the wheelchair to face Ciro, "Neither can I."

The Castellanis had been properly furious at the sight of Saverio's battered state and were even more aggravated later on because Alessandro Castellani, who was Saverio's cousin had passed on in the hospital. His death was painful and most certainly unforgivable. On finding out who had committed such an atrocity, his father, uncle, brothers, cousins and all the made men who were with them swore to avenge Alessandro. It was to be an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, for their blood who was brutally murdered had to be avenged.

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