Chapter 89: One Big Happy Family

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Hello hi! I'm here with the next chapter for y'all! This one is kinda gonna be obvious, but before any of your gutter filled minds asks, I am not writing it. I've never been fully comfortable writing topics like that in the first place, which kinda says a lot since I don't seem to have any issues writing about blood, death, violence, (parental) abuse, self harm, self-deprecating, swearing and multiple references to other works. But I seem to draw the line when it comes to Lemon, the F word and breaking the 4th wall. I'm sure some of you have noticed that not once did I use the F word in any chapters. And I think A/N shouldn't count (plus I censored it). But yeah, I actually don't really like breaking the 4th wall in my stories. I just think it's unnecessary and kinda ruins the overall narrative of a story. Now don't get me wrong, if it's done right and only done a few times, then that's okay with me. But doing it so many times throughout the story is lame and kinda annoying and makes me lose interest in reading it. I'm sure some of you have spotted a couple times in the story that I somewhat broke the 4th wall, but at the same time I also kinda didn't, but I digress. Oh jeez, I should really end this opening A/N before it turns into something else. Alright, enjoy!

Serena was standing in the kitchen of their penthouse condo in Wyndon making dinner. She hummed a song as she reached for a can of spaghetti sauce in the cupboard above her, adding it into the bowl.

"Almost done. Now to start making the breadsticks" she said to herself.

She walked up to the refrigerator, noticing a few pictures that were taken while they were all on their honeymoon. She smiled as she opened the freezer door. She took out the box and closed the door.

Once done, she pressed on the intercom. "Everyone, dinner is ready."

After a few minutes, everyone slowly entered into the dining room area. They smelled the food and immediately knew what it was.

"Alright! Spaghetti and Breadsticks!" Decidueye said.

"It's been a while since we last had that" Pancham said.

"It's making me super hungry now" Ninetails said.

Serena noticed Ash wasn't among them. "Has anyone seen Ash?"

"He said he had to go to the store to get something" Butterfree answered.

As if on cue, they all heard a sound coming from the balcony. They looked and saw Ash, Pikachu and Greninja riding on Pidgeot. Once they landed they all jumped off and thanked her. He entered through the sliding door.

"Sorry I'm late, I needed to grab something for Pupitar" Ash explained.

"Well luckily for you I just finished making dinner, so as far as I'm concerned, you're not late" Serena said.

Ash sighed with relief. He and the others then grabbed their food and started eating. As they ate, something seemed a little odd.

"So do you guys think you'll ever try alcohol again? You both are 21 now" Delphox said.

"We thought about it and just decided not to include it in our list of beverages to drink" Ash said.

"And I was more than onboard with that" Serena said.

Although they would never admit it, both found the taste of it to be absolutely disgusting. So disgusting, that when they tried it on their respective 21st birthdays, Ash spat it out while Serena threw up after both having just one sip.

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