Chapter 60: Our Journey Continues!

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Hello people! I'm finally back with a new chapter for you all. I'm sorry it took so long, a combination of resting and playing Scarlet & Violet. But I'm finally writing again. This chapter will be Ash and Serena leaving Alola and heading to Galar. Enjoy!

A backpack was placed on the couch. Serena wiped her forehead as she sighed.

"Phew. That takes care of that" she said.

Ash came in and placed his backpack next to hers.

"And I'm done too" he said.

"I'm so excited for tomorrow!" Serena said as she raised her fists up.

"Me too, I can't wait to see what Galar is like" Ash said.

The plane Ash and Serena were going to take was set to leave tomorrow afternoon. Serena was still a little nervous about the gym challenge, but she was gonna give it everything she's got.

Professor Kukui entered into the house. "Hey you two, are you all packed?"

Ash and Serena nodded. "Just finished."

"Good, then all we have to do is wait for tomorrow" Kukui said.

"Well, I'm gonna do some training" Ash said.

"Me too" Serena said as she followed him.

The two went outside to train, mainly for Serena. Kukui went down into the basement, knowing Burnet was down there. Sure enough, she was at the computer reading something. Once Kukui had a good look, he sighed.

Burnet was reading about tips on how to be a better parent to a child dealing with trauma.

Upon hearing him, Burnet turned around and looked at him.

"Hello dear" Burnet said.

"Hey honey, how are you?" Kukui asked.

"I'm alright, just doing some research" she said.

"I can tell" he joked.

Burnet looked down. "Do you...think we should tell him now?"

Kukui sighed again. "I don't know, I still fear how he'd take it."

"It scares me too. But...I just want him to know that if he wants to see me as his mother then..."

"As much as I'd want that, it still might be too soon. We have to be extremely careful about this" Kukui said.

"I know..." was all Burnet said.

Unbeknownst to them, Rotom had been listening in. He decided to fly away.

"Hmm...maybe I should help Ash in my own way-roto."

Ash and Serena were still training, Ash helping Serena in battle scenarios and how to counter them.

"Alright, the next thing I'll help you with is performing the Counter-Shield" Ash said.

Serena remembered when Ash did that with Infernape.

"Alright, how should we start?" Serena asked.

"Well first, we can only do it with Pokemon that have the moves to perform it. In your case, Delphox, Sylveon, Primarina and Ninetails would be a good start" he explained.

Serena nodded. Said Pokemon stepped forward.

"Alright then. Pikachu will help Sylveon, Infernape will help Delphox, and Buizel will help Primarina and Ninetails" Ash said.

Pancham suddenly ran up.

"I want to learn it too!" He said.

"Are you sure Pancham? It might be pretty difficult for you" Serena said.

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