Chapter 31: Icy Rescue Arc Part II - Vulpix Stands Tall

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Hello everyone! Part II of Icy Rescue starts right now!

Alakazam and Hypno fired off their attacks.

"Pikachu use Thunderbolt!" Ash commanded with a swing of his hand.

"Sylveon use Moonblast!" Serena commanded while pointing her finger.

Pikachu and Sylveon shot their attacks that collided with their opponents', causing an explosion to erupt. This gave Ash an idea.

'Greninja, use the cover of the smoke for a surprise Night Slash.'

'Roger that.'

Greninja stealthily made his move. Faba started to make his move.

"Alakazam, use Shadow Ball!"

Alakazam fired a Shadow Ball into the smoke, however a second later it came flying back at it, and ultimately hitting it.

"W-What the hell?!" Faba said in shock.

The smoke cloud cleared, revealing Delphox with her hand stretched out and eyes glowing brightly.

"Time to end this you bastard!" Serena yelled.

"Quite the mouth young lady, it seems you weren't taught manners" Faba sneered.

"None of that matters! You did horrible things to my baby! So I'm gonna show you the consequences of that!"

Faba simply scuffed. "Now Hypno, use Psychic!"

Hypno's eyes glowed as it swung its pendulum back and forth. Pikachu were suddenly lifted into the air.

"I suggest you surrender and hand over Vulpix if you don't wish to see your partners suffer my wrath."

Serena grunted, however Ash smirked.

"Funny, I was about to say the same thing to you."

This confused everyone. Suddenly a shadowy figure appeared behind Hypno.

"Night Slash!"

Before it could react, Hypno was slashed in its back by the suddenly revealed Greninja. The surprise hit caused Hypno to release Pikachu and Sylveon from its Psychic hold. Pikachu and Sylveon landed safely and prepared to attack again.

"Give up Bastard! You can't win!" Serena yelled.

Faba was fuming. 'How are these brats getting the best of me?! I suppose I only have one option left.' He pulled out a phone and pressed a button.

"Guzma! I need you and your goons now!" He yelled.

There was a momentary silence. Suddenly a voice erupted.

"...too loud."

Faba had lost all patience.

"Listen here you hip-hop artist wannabe! Get your family of freaks to my location this instant!"


He abruptly hung up. Faba turned back towards the group with a smirk.

"Unfortunately for you, I've got backup plans."

During all of this, the adults were discussing the topic at hand.

"From what I've gathered from my tech crew, this mysterious transmission has been appearing in our systems more frequently as of late" Lusamine explained.

Kukui had a hand on his chin. "Have they been able to identify the source?"

Wicke shook her head. "It has an encryption that our servers can't decipher."

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