Chapter 74: Galar League Tournament - Part III

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Hello once again! I'm back with the third chapter of the Galar League Tournament arc! This will be the beginning of the finals match between Serena and Marnie. Get ready! Now enjoy!

Inteleon was practicing his accuracy with his Snipe Shot on some targets, all hitting dead center. He lowered his finger and sighed.

"That was awesome" a voice said.

Inteleon turned and saw Cinderace next to him.

"It's not that impressive" he said.

"Of course it is. It's really cool, just like you" she said.

"Not as cool as you though" he said. He suddenly blushed at his statement. "I-I mean I—"

He suddenly heard Cinderace giggle. "You're so funny, that's what I like about you."

"I-I like you too!" He suddenly blurted out.

Instead of a response, he found himself laying down in a dark hotel room. He rose up and looked around.

'I guess it was all a dream...' He looked and saw Cinderace peacefully sleeping. 'So cute...' His eyes suddenly widened when he thought that. 'D-Did I really just say that?!'

He decided to get up and get some fresh air. He stealthily made his way out onto the balcony, however he grabbed a cup of water to enjoy first. He looked out, watching the lights of Wyndon glow.

He sighed again. "Why am I feeling this way? Could it be that I'm...?"

"Figures you'd be out here" a voice said.

Inteleon turned around and saw Primarina coming up to him.

"It's a good place to be to get some air" he said as he faced forward again.

Primarina joined him in looking out.

"Well, Serena faces Marnie in the finals tomorrow" Primarina said.

"Yeah..." Inteleon said, still not looking at her.

Primarina decided to address the issue.

"Hey Inteleon?"

"Hmm?" He said while taking another sip.

"Do you have feelings for Cinderace?"

Inteleon spat out his drink. He coughed. "Huh?!"

"I've noticed how you've been acting around Cinderace lately. I can tell there's something between you guys" she said.

Inteleon looked away. "Even if I did, there's no way it would work out..."

"Why do you say that?"

Inteleon sighed. "Cinderace is...amazing. She's brave, determined, cool, funny, kind. She's too good for me, she always has been..."

"That's not true, why would you think that?"

"When we both lost our parents, we only had each other to rely on...but she could never rely on me. I was always a scared little crybaby, and messed up everything I tried to do. Cinderace got us food, learned engineering to help us survive the cold, defended me from bad Pokemon, all the while keeping a smile on her face, which I knew was to keep me from crying. That's why I'm not good enough for her, that's why I shouldn't ever fall in love with her...she wouldn't ever love someone like me..."

Primarina felt even more sad for Inteleon. But what hurt her even more, was it felt like she was talking to her past self.

"I don't want to be a nuisance to them and think they're better off without you right?" She said.

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