5 | Gentle Groove

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I was still watching Lennon, the warm feeling not even thinking about leaving me. He's turned to Ace, probably telling him something, Ace just nodded as far as I can see and then Lennon turned back to me, slowly making his way towards me. Was he really coming my way? Because of my growing nervousness, the warm feeling weakened a bit while Lennon was actually walking towards me and Ana. What?

He seemed to be nervous to, I thought. Maybe it's the way his hair fell into his face, hiding it and the glow in his eyes. Or maybe it was the way he couldn't keep a steady look on me, or the way he was fiddling nervously with the rings on his hands.

Oh my god.

His rings were so beautiful to an extend, that it nearly made me jealous. I wore rings everyday, but I just couldn't find the perfect ones yet. But his looked so cool, even from this distance. That distance got smaller and smaller, as he got closer. The fiddling with his rings also got more hectic, he probably more nervous.

But then again I wondered why he should be nervous, he was the frontman of a band and always seemed so confident, why the sudden shyness? His appearance was so magical and drawing me in like a magnet, it was hard to keep my eyes off him. I really tried to not look at him, as I didn't want to make him nervous or creep him out or something like that. But as hard as it was, I glanced over to him, or at least at the rings on his hands. There were barely any rigs on his left hand though, probably because of the guitar playing. I knew the feeling of rings being in the way whilst playing guitar all too well.

"Hey Angela." His voice was so soft and yet rough, like a perfect mixture, the warm feeling returning to my whole body. I slowly gazed up. Although I was tall, I still had to look up because of his height. He wasn't like 2 metres tall or something but he still seemed pretty tall. His broad shoulders seemed to fit his look perfectly. His whole body did in general. He wasn't that tall skinny dude that you'd think he'd be, when you hear of him. He was more tall and had wide shoulders, the rest seemed normal, from the looks that I'd gotten of him with shirts and everything. Maybe he even seemed a bit fit, but not like toned abs or something.

"Hey Lennon," I shyly smile, unsure of what to say next. His tall frame casted a shadow on me, as the light source was behind him. He seemed to be contemplating something, before he leaned down and embraced me in a hug. Another feeling washed over me, a feeling of realness and adoration, something so genuine, I got goosebumps all over my body. His scent that was probably his perfume, surrounded me. I instantly hugged him back, one of his arms over my shoulder and the other around my waist, I did the same.

"Thanks for coming tonight, I'm glad," Lennon said as he let go of me, a smile playing on his lips.

"I needed to make sure you guys would cover one of my favourites," I joked but overthought it right after I had said it. Was it too much? But Lennon just chuckled and nodded.

"It would've been really rude if you hadn't come anyways, you know." Lennon had his head leaned a bit to the side now, his hair still in his face. What a shame, I thought, such a pretty face hidden behind his pretty hair. I sighed.

"Yea, yer right, I'm only here so people don't think I'm rude," I said and laughed at my own comment, Lennon did too.

"Aye common, you know you looove our band," he stated, shaking his head smiling. Oh Lennon if only you knew.

"Too fucking right I guess."

Then Lennon had been called from Floyd in the entrance of the Velvet Underground, waving at me and Ana. They had to go in and check everything again before the gig could get started.

"Alright then, nice chatting to yous Angela, have fun, see you after the gig?" I nodded and he beamed at me before he went inside. Then I felt someone grabbing my arm and turning me to them. I was met with Ana's big green eyes.

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