2 | Love Buzz

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The Gig was truly fucking amazing. Although I was sure that I had been staring at Lennon a few times or let's better say a lot of times. And I was also pretty sure that Ana had taken a lot of pictures of me drooling over him in the crowd.

The Skulls were fucking great. They all played so well, they had it in them to play together, they were a well played in team.

Lennon had made a few jokes and told the story on how he got his flying V. Of course he did. Some songs of them really had it in them, the choruses and bridges really hit hard, one of them brought me nearly to tears.

„Alright lads and ladies, this is the last one. I'm gonna tell you some fucking basic knowledge of music history everyone should fucking know. This song is by one of the greatest bands of all time, they invented grunge along with Chris Cornell and didn't even know it at that time. This song is by a guy that has the same last name as me." A few in the crowd were laughing at the joke Lennon just had made. Love Buzz.

„Rest in peace Kurt Cobain," Lennon shouted and started playing.

It was as if the lyrics Lennon sang ran straight through my whole body, as if I was taking every word in like a sponge and let them out by dancing along with everybody in the crowd.

The riff was mind blowing and it felt like everything was alright for these three minutes of Love Buzz.

„Can you feel my love buzz, can you feel my love buzz?"

Then they played the outro and just like that the gig was over.

„Thanks to everyone who came, we were The Skulls," Floyd said through Lennon's microphone and then they all got off stage, but Floyd only after he winked at Ana who looked like she would die any second because of it.

We turned at each other in the exact same time and hugged each other happily.

„That was bloody amazing," I screamed so that Ana would surely hear me, now that music was blaring through the speakers after the gig.

„It fucking was, ye," agreed Ana and smiled from ese to ear.

„I need some fresh air, let's go outside", I said and pulled her outside where everyone was having a smoke so it wasn't really much help for fresh air. But Lennon was there with his mates smoking, so I wasn't that mad because he was also there. And I hoped that maybe he would notice me sooner because there weren't that many people outside.


I was only talking to Ana and doing nothing else and we had done that for about ten minutes now when Floyd walked a few steps into our direction and waved us with his hand to him, Lennon and the others. All of them were smoking. My heart skipped a beat at the thought of maybe having a chance to talk to Lennon. But at the same time I thought that it must have been so weird that I liked without even knowing him and I got kind of grossed out by myself.

Ana took my hand and, when I'm telling you that I'd never seen her walk this fast then I mean it, she nearly ran off with me to Floyd, dragging me behind her.

„Guys," Floyd said and looked around at his bandmates. „This is An," he pointed at Ana with a big smile on his face and the rest of The Skulls seemed to know exactly who she was. I was pretty sure that Floyd had told them about her.

Before Floyd could introduce me too, Lennon got a phone call and left to take it so he walked a few meters away from us, still smoking while on the call. He watched us though, I think.

„And this is Ella," Floyd said and everyone greeted me and Ana as if we were the coolest people there.

„Hey Ana and Ella, pleasure to meet you two," Ace said and took us both in in a hug . The same did Chris and we started talking about music and of course: school. I didn't really like to talk about school, there was always something negative coming with it when others were talking about it. Everyone seemed to say: I hate school!

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