3 | Well I wonder

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„No fucking way."

Ana pinched me to check if I was really being for real and I had to breathe out the air again I had been holding in for a few seconds.

Lennon had sent me a follow request on instagram, just like ten seconds ago. I knew it wasn't that big of a deal but I thought it was fucking wild.

„Aren't you gonna accept it?" Curiosity swung in her voice and I nodded.

„As if I fucking wouldn't now, I just need a second to process you twat!" Then I grabbed my phone back which she had been holding to take a closer look.



And then the notification:

LennonCbnnn0405 started following you

Aaaa. This felt so unreal. Then I clicked on his profile and requested him back, hoping he would also accept.

„Okay, now we wait un-„ I stopped at the sudden ping of my phone and looking down I realised that he had also accepted me. And then suddenly there appeared posts on his account and I was also able to see all of his story highlights.

„I'm telling ye Ella, this is the beginning of a new chapter of yer life!"

„Aw fuck off you twat, you've watched too many k-dramas," I yelled and started to laugh, while I'm sat on the concrete. We still had 20 minutes until the french lesson would start.

But we quickly went back to normal and walked to a set of stairs to sit down there and discuss our homework we had to do for french class.

„Wait, which vocabulary part of the book do we need to learn for the next test again?" I asked Ana because I had totally forgot it again, as always.

„Uhm," she started. „I think part 2 of chapter 5."
And then we started to go over our notes for french class. Sharing our thoughts and helping each other out where difficulties were. That was one of the many things I appreciated about her so much, we were able to be a very good study team.

„Ladies," a voice echoed behind us that made Ana jump. It was Floyd who came down the stairs on which we were sat and he chuckled at Ana's reaction. Floyd had his hair flicked to one side again, as always and had his guitar hanging in a gig bag over one shoulder. "How are we doing today?"

„Never been better," I said while he was hugging Ana who had just stood up.

"Oh that's funny, Lennon says the same thing all the time when we ask him," Floyd said. Ana turns to me with big eyes, wanting to tell him everything. They'd texted all night and are now kind of best friends? I don't really get how fast that had happened. I only nodded, trusting her and Floyd this once.

"You know, she thinks he's cool," Ana squealed excited and Floyd started to grin.

"Oi, Ella,  before I forget, Lennon kind of wanted to say thanks for coming, to ye," Floyd smirked and winked at me. "Well he didn't say I should tell you, he wanted to tell you himself or something, as he does it to everyone else. But I figured I'd do it for him in case he forgets or something." I blush and stare at him with big eyes. Wait what??

„I ugh, thanks," I stutter. Still not believing it. What? I remembered the night of the concert, where I had just been so happy about seeing him live and wondering if we could've talked. And now his friend told me he wanted to tell me something? Life's just crazy sometimes. I stood up because I needed a got stretch for my back, which had been hurting from sitting to long, then I leaned against the stair railing.

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