"You still are playful, Kitty" She played with his bell.

"Meow" Cat Noir meowed.

"Heh, you two are so into loving than being platonic" Panthera teased them.

"Well, I have to be charming to my girlfriend back in Paris," Cat Noir said.

"Mmhmm" Blu Tembo said.

"And I to my boyfriend sometimes," Ladybug said.

Blu Tembo knows Ladybug's identity but not her kitty. Same way with Panthera who knows Cat Noir's identity but not his lady.

"Alright. Let's keep moving" He then said.

They came through some stalactites and stalagmites through the tunnels, seeing some remains of the outer rims of the sunken city.

"If these paintings are carved, then it must mean they are here somewhere. We don't know if they can breathe air" Ladybug said.

"We're gonna figure it out, Ladybug" Blu Tembo said.

"We don't know if they are friendly. You said your kwami was the cause of Atlantis sinking, maybe these Atlanteans will hold a grudge, gatito" Panthera said.

"We'll see, but the shark kwami no doubt hasn't forgotten," Cat Noir said.

"Whatever power the shark kwamis possesses, it's definitely more than smelling blood a mile away," Blu Tembo said.

"Yeah. But I've never heard of kwamis holding grudges against another kwami" Cat Noir said as they crossed a bridge.

"Me neither," Ladybug said.

"Sharks can sometimes be aggressive with mouthful teeth of death" Panthera shuddered.

"Not to mention that many sharks attack people for mistaking them for their prey like seals," Ladybug said.

"Heh, maybe their 8 senses just make them dumber to not check their facts before attacking" Cat Noir chuckled.

"Maybe so, Kitty" Ladybug chuckled at his joke.

"And they say cats have sharper senses than dogs. To me they are equally matched" Panthera said.

"You could say that again," Cat Noir said.

They soon came to a cavern where a water tunnel was located.

"Looks like another underwater path," Blu Tembo said.

"Track" Panthera does her superpower to see how far this underwater tunnel goes. The other three heroes waited for her answer about how far she saw.

As her supervision got to the end where there was another air pocket, her eyes returned to normal, "It's 200 feet to the next air pocket. But there are deadly eels to shock us to death. From the end, two barracudas are guarding the entrance. We gotta be fast" Panthera took out her aqua snack power up.

"Barracudas? Those things are very fast underwater" Ladybug said.

"Yep. It's time to feed this kitty some fish" Cat Noir ate his powerup to become Aqua Cat.

"This is serious, gatito. In my studies, an adult eel can produce a lethal 600 volts of electrical energy, which is enough to kill an adult human being" Panthera said before eating hers to become Aqua Jaguar.

"I know," Aqua Cat said while Ladybug and Blu Tembo ate their powerups.

"And barracudas swim up to 36 mph. That's a little faster than a human" Aqua Jaguar said.

"Well, that's just great," Aqua Tembo said and stepped into the waters.

"Like Sonic the Hedgehog always says. Gotta go fast" Aqua Cat said before diving in.

"Let's go, Jaguar!" Aqua bug swam with Aqua Jaguar. The four swam through the tunnels, seeing the eels swimming.

"Move! Now!" Aqua Tembo moved aside.

They all dodged the eels producing electricity. Aqua bug ducked as the two electric eels electrocuted each other.

"Heads up!" Aqua Cat dives to avoid them.

Aqua Tembo traps the eels in air bubbles from his blow horn, "That should hold them for a moment" He caught up with them.

"There's too many of them!" Aqua Jaguar threw her spear at them for the electricity to flow through metal to electrocute them one by one.

"Hurry! While we got the chance!" Aqua Bug swims before more eels can get them.

"Before the water becomes electric water to fry us to death!" Aqua Cat swims.

They soon saw the barracudas. The Jaguar was right that they are fast but the heroes have sharp reflexes to take evasive action.

One barracuda bites Aqua Bug but her magic suit protected her, "GET OFF!" She shook it off.

"CATACLYSM!!!" Aqua Cat swims to the beast and touches it.

The barracuda soon turned to bones, "Thanks Kitty"

"One down, one more to go," Aqua Cat said.

"Las panteras son más rápidas que tú!" Aqua Jaguar stabs the beast in the eye.

"Good shot!" Aqua Cat said.

"Thanks, gatito. Where's the other one?" Aqua Jaguar asked.

"Reduced to bones," Aqua Cat said and swam to the surface.

Aqua bug felt that the bite must have gotten through to make marks on her leg, "Wait, stop. I think the bite punctured through"

"Milady?" Aqua Cat helped her stand, "Detransform now. I don't care who you are but this is serious"

"But..." Aqua Bug refused.

"Ladybug, we have to look at the bite or you'll get infected," Aqua Cat said seriously.

"Look away. Tikki spots off!" She detransformed as Aqua Cat closed his eyes.

Aqua Jaguar gasped and saw who it was, "Hold still, Ladybug" She rolled up her pink pants leg to inspect the wound, "Caramba. It's not too deep but it needs to be treated. Chico, did you bring medical stuff?" Panthera asked.

"Yes, just need to detransform. Trunkk, fold my ears!" Aqua Tembo detransformed to Pelle to get the supplies. He took out some alcohol and cleaned Marinette's wound before patching it up.

Aqua Cat still didn't look as they treated her. The pressure was driving him crazy to have the urge to look at her. It's been a year now and Chrysalis is not here to find out who they are.

"AAARRRGGGHHHH!!! Forgive me!!!" He turns around to look.

Marinette gasped as he saw her unmasked.

"Princess?!" Cat Noir exclaimed.

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