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"Damn it!" Pradyumna exclaimed. "The killer took him from here."

"Riya, you took the exact location from someone right?" Abhijeet asked.

"Yes sir I took it from Durva aunty." Riya replied.

"Did you tell her that we are coming here?" Daya asked.

"Sir, she I just said that CID needs it."

"The killer must have overheard." Kavin stated.

"But, how did he manage to take Ruhan out of here so fast?" Purvi asked.

"Sir, that watchman said that he came for his duty ten minutes back. And Riya spoke to Durva nearly thrity minutes ago." Shreya added.

"Twenty minutes is all that the killer had. He couldn't have gone far." Sachin replied.

"He must have gone to Thane or Mumbai." Fredy said.

"Sir, more than ten hours have passed since Ruhan inhaled that chemical." Rajat said.

"But Rajat, he's kept in a cold room. The effects will last for more two hours." Abhijeet replied.

"The killer must also be knowing that. He'll try to get rid of him in these two hours and time is running out." Daya added.

"Search the whole place in the distance of two hours but I don't think the killer would waste the entire two hours just running away." Pradyumna said.

"Sir, ten hours ended at 2:30 and now it's 3:00. The killer has one and a half hour more." Pankaj calculated.

"Let's go." Daya instructed.

In the car, they sent word to all the neighbouring police stations to not let anyone leave Mumbai and Thane. The team split in two groups, one going to Mumbai and the other one to Thane.

Meanwhile, Kartik, or should I say Ruhan, woke up from his slumber. He had gone to sleep to escape the cold but he couldn't feel a part of his body. The wound on his forehead had healed but his left hand had some cuts which weren't deep. Around him were boxes and the temperature was very old. Almost negetive temperature and Ruhan was in his cotton hoodie jacket and long jeans pants. He was tied up, his hands and feet.

His eye sight was a bit hazy at first but it became proper and he could now see further through the small gaps between the boxes. He suddenly heard the door of the massive place open. The Thane group, consisting of Daya, Shreya, Sachin, Kajal, Pankaj and Tasha came in. Along with them was Rajesh, Rohan, Riya and Shristi but they waited out along with Kajal.

"Ah!" Pankaj screamed. "Sir, this temperature is like the Himalayas."

"You felt this now. Imagine Ruhan who was here for so long." Daya answered.

They began to look around but Ruhan was in a far corner surrounded by boxes but he saw them. He couldn't talk but tried his best to do something to attract their attention.

"Sir, there's he's not here." Shreya said. She looked in the opposite corner.

"Keep searching. This is the last place he has to be." Sachin replied.

"Gross!" Pankaj exclaimed.

"What is it?" Tasha asked.

"Rotten fish!"

"It's a old storage area, Pankaj." Daya explained.

"On whose name is this place. They should really start to dispose all this."

"Yeah, on whose name is this?" Sachin agreed with Pankaj.

Tasha walked pass the place where Ruhan was to go with the documens of this place to them. She gave them to Daya who was shocked to see the name of the owner.

"She!" Daya exclaimed.

"Who is it sir?" Tasha asked.

By this time, Ruhan was running short of breath and the dusty boxes just had to make it worse. Ruhan needed to get their attention but he couldn't do anything. Remembering what ACP Pradyuman told him when they first found him injured in the store room.

A strong mind can seperate the body from its sufferings.

Using his will power and his last bit of energy, Ruhan managed to move his feet and push the pile of boxes behind him. The boxes fell on him but it succeed in catching the CID team's attention.

"What was that?" Pankaj asked.

"The boxes fell." Sachin replied.

"Someone is there." Tasha added.

"Come on." Daya instructed.

Holding their guns they cautiously went to the pile of fallen boxes and one by one removed them. They were taken aback to find Ruhan unconscious there.

"My God." Daya exclaimed. "Kajal! Get the oxygen cylinder!"

Pankaj ran to help her while the others untied him and helped try to sit up. Along with Kajal and Pankaj, the others waiting out also came running in and were shocked to see him in this state.

Rajesh sat down beside Daya as the latter gave Ruhan in his arms and he held him properly. They put the oxygen mask for him and waited for a while. Rohan removed the suit he was wearing and wrapped his brother in it. After sometime he opened his eyes. The effects didn't completely go but he could now form words.

"" He said softly.

"Kartik. You are not who you think you are. You are my son, Prince Ruhan." Rajesh replied and gave him a hug.


They explained everything to him and the happiness could clearly be visible on his face.

Suddenly a gas bomb burst there and before they could get out they all fell down unconscious.

Sometime later, Abhijeet, Pradyuman, Kavin, Purvi, Rajat, Fredy, Vivek, Nikhil and Fredy arrived.

"Daya." Abhijeet said trying to wake him up. The others tried to wake the others up.

Turns out that Sachin had called to inform them that Ruhan was found and hearing the coughing after the gas bomb, they all came here. Including Reena and Rakesh. They got up after a while and suddenly Ruhan was not there.

"Ruhan. Where is he?" Daya asked.

"What do you mean sir?" Reena asked.

After explaining everything to her they left he place and suddenly Daya remembered something.

"Abhijeet. Do you know the owner of this place?" Daya asked.

"Who is it?" Abhijeet asked.



"Yes. This place is Durva's private cold storage unit. And only she has the keys and the lock of this place isn't broken."

"So you're saying my wife did it?" Rakesh asked.

"Where is she by the way?" Pradyuman asked.

"She has gone out. For a long time she hasn't come back." Reena responded.

CID: Servant Kartik or Prince RuhanWhere stories live. Discover now