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At about four thirty in the morning, the whole household was woken up by the sound of things smashing and breaking coming from one of the room upstairs. All of them got out of their rooms and went towards the sound which came from the room give to Kartik.

"This boy will give us a heart attack one day!" Durva yelled as they tried to open the door.

When they managed to they found the whole room in a mess and blood fallen on the floor near the window.

"Oh my God." Riya exclaimed.

"I'll call the CID." Shristi said.

Some time later the CID team arrived and began to collect the blood samples while asking questions.

"At what time did this happen?" Abhijeet asked.

"Around four thirty, sir." Rohan answered.

"Kartik was alone in this room." Daya said. "Or was there someone who came here later?"

"Sir, all of us went to our rooms after dinner. Veer needed the downstairs room so we sent Kartik here." Rakesh answered.

"And the nearest room is yours, isn't it Mr Rajesh and Mrs Reena?" Purvi asked.

"Yes officer." Reena responded.

"But sir, we didn't here Kartik scream. We only here the sound of things falling." Rajesh added.

"This window doesn't have any grills." Kavin said as he, Fredy, Sachin, Shreya and Nikhil were investigating there while Vivek took pictures of the place.

"And Kartik is very thin. If anyone tried to forcefully take him out than he would have easily managed too." Nikhil added.

"Or did he go out himself?" Fredy asked.

"No Fredy. If he wanted to than why would he mess up the place or injury himself." Sachin replied.

"Sir, what if the killer took him?" Shreya asked.

"But what would he have to do with the royal family. Avantika was the daughter in law. Gauresh was the chef but he worked for about sixteen years. Kartik just came here last year." Vivek asked.

"The killer must have thought that he saw him doing something in that room so he must have wanted to get rid of any evidence." Daya replied.

Abhijeet noticed a handkerchief fallen near the curtains and carefully he picked it up as Daya approached. At that moment the forensic doctors also came in.

"Sorry boss, we got little late." Salunkhe said.

"Salunkhe, leave the sorry and see the state of this room." Pradyumna replied. "God knows which state that boy is in."

"Sir, we found this." Abhijeet handed the handkerchief to Salunkhe and after examining it he asked Tarika to give him one chemical.

Tarika opened the box and removed it and gave it to him. Salunkhe put little of it on the handkerchief and suddenly it turned blue.

"My doubt was correct." He said.

"What doubt?" Fredy asked.

"I have to run more tests in this back at the lab."

In the lab, the handkerchief was tested in all possible ways while the team waited for the answers after sometime Salunkhe and Tarik left their tables and came to them.

"Sir, the chemical in this handkerchief isn't any ordinary medicine to make people unconscious." Tarika stated.

"Does it have something else?" Abhijeet asked.

"This chemical temporarily paralysis the nervous system and the effect remains depending on how much Kartik inhaled." Salunkhe replied.

"And sir, there is a very dangerous about of the chemical on the handkerchief." Tarika added.

"So that means that even if Kartik regains consciousness, he won't be able to do anything." Daya said.

"And the worst part is that if he is kept in a cold place than the effect will last for more time." Tarika replied.

"Kartik had asthma. And if he is kept in a closed room than he wouldn't be able to breath. The unconscious effect will wear off soon but he won't be able to support his lungs in breathing as his nervous system will be paralysed." Salunkhe added.

"Sir, is this killer a human or monster? How mercilessly is he trying to kill a young boy." Pankaj said.

"Pankaj, to me he seems to be a psychopath." Kavin replied.

"Who in his correct mind would take the life of a three year old." Purvi continued.

"And if Kartik isn't already suffering enough, the killer is making him suffer more." Shreya added.

"Sir." Fredy said as he came in. "I asked Dr Veer about Kartik's asthama. He said that Kartik was always teased in school so he never told anyone about his asthama. Not even the royal family."

"Sir, I checked the phone location of all the family members and all of them were in their rooms." Tasha stated as she also came in.

"Maybe it's someone else." Kavin said.

"The noise reached them at four thirty. Let's say five minutes went in asking eachother about the noise and going towards the room." Daya calculated.

"And we were called immediately and it took us, let just say twenty minutes to come since the roads were clear." Abhijeet added. "Let's say the killer had twenty five to thirty minutes to take Kartik away from there because we saw no one on the way."

"Sir, for approximately how long will Kartik be in that state?" Fredy asked.

"The unconsciousness state will wear off in four hours but I can't say how long his nevous system will be paralysed because that depends on how much he inhaled." Salunkhe replied.

"Approximately?" Pankaj asked.

"Eight to ten hours if he's not in a cold room. But even if he's in a cold room, the effect will only last for two hours more and can wear off if he's kept warm. Like wrapped in a warm blanket." Tarika replied.

"Kartik isn't in a state to save himself and this killer will definitely keep him in a cold place." Sachin said.

"Do one thing. Search all the places near the mansion which are having cold storage and which are not used for a long time. Kartik has to be there." Pradyumna said.

"Sir, we'll have to take oxygen cylinder as well. God knows whether his in a place where he can breathe." Kavin said.

CID: Servant Kartik or Prince RuhanOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz