4 (continuation)

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Sarah POV
"Maddy are you okay?" I ask her slowly looking at her confused,
She didn't answer me, she didn't even move.
She sits sunk in the chair and looks ahead, but not at the movie, she is strange, her facial expression is lost and her eyes are fixed on space, I examine her from top to bottom and I also notice that she is holding her hand to her abdomen,
Which makes me question myself, this worries me.

I turn my head looking around, turn my whole body and look up to her side
I can see the people from the bottom but with difficulty, many heads block my view of everyone from the last rows, I notice something that catches my attention, and makes me look carefully for a few seconds to figure out what.

I spot them among the crowd of heads,
Fuck! I sigh turning to her again,
"Maddy what happened" I ask her once again looking at her eyes that were sparkling in the light that was coming from the screen in front of us.
I turn her face towards me, making her look at me, but in vain because she was still looking blankly
,,What is happening with you?"
"What's happening to me?" She answers
Finally she looks at me.
"I'm fine Sarah" she added taking my hand from her cheeks and returning to the same state.
people rush to get out of the cinema hall,
"Maddy we have to go" I announce
Her reaction is sudden.
she looks at the screen then looks at me, her look is innocent and confused, she gets up without saying anything and follows us, she is silent, and the others have noticed this,
We reach the long corridor,
"I want to go to the bathroom," she says in a low voice
"I'm going with you," I answer.
"No, you leave, I'll catch up with you" she adds after leaving for the bathroom on the left of the corridor,
John looks at me puzzled,
"What's going on" he asked me, slightly raising his eyebrows,
"I don't know" I reply back,

Madison POV

I sit on top of the sink looking down
I try to breathe deeply while my thoughts deafen me and make me not hear anything.
My heart is beating, and it is the only sound I hear apart from my voice that despairs inside me,
I can't control myself, a ringing in my ears starts to envelop me, causing me to lose my balance, I feel dizzy
I let myself go limp, and I feel my eyes wet, I fall down leaning against the sink until I feel the floor beneath me,
He managed to do it,
I feel fear rising in me
his possession of me
His look
His name echoes in my mind

His name pierces my heart every second that passes, leaving it without the rhythm of its own beats

He tried to kill me

I let my eyelids lightly rest on my own eyes, I feel weak, I don't feel any feeling for a few seconds.
"I hate you Kaulitz" I sigh, rolling my eyes.
But I'm trying to recover, so I open them
It's dark, that scares me and I try to cover my eyes with the darkness
For a second I didn't know where I was
I get up despite the fact that I couldn't see what I was doing

I head towards the door
they come out in a hurry, slamming and this making an echo resound

The "exit" indicators glowed red and they being the only source of light in the long corridor,

some strange sounds catch my attention.

Sarah POV
"Open the doors!" I yell at them
"We can't do anything, those creatures are very dangerous," he says waving his hands towards me and standing in front of the building's control system
She's going to die!, open the damn doors,! I yell
Each of us were agitated in search of a solution to get her out of there
Ethan! I say to him, "what do we do now?"
Heading towards him on the other side, agitated, unable to control myself.

Madison POV
I hear strange sounds that give me chills and a fear of moving,
I turn my head to the side of the rock, to the side where the exit should be,
The indicators flicker like in a horror movie and I see a silhouette with its back turned
flutter again
he turns his head and body slowly towards me without stopping to mumble
I start walking in the opposite direction,
My walk causes a resounding noise
I hear a terrible scream, the one that makes me run, I open some door,
The door led to some stairs, probably leading to the 2nd floor, where there were several people downstairs who were struggling, and the moment they saw me they started to riot and attack me,
I was surrounded.

Sarah POV
I turn my gaze to guard Care
moved near the crowd. Trying to calm them down,
The Control System is free
Suddenly two hands come out of the crowd aggressively shooting through the agitated people

Guard Pov
Either you open the doors or I'll kill you here now!", a young man about 18 years taller than me whispers slowly and firmly to me,

I try to resist, but he doesn't give up in front of me, he takes out a knife and puts it to my throat
It presses and fixes it well in my skin
Shut up!he yells at me in the thousands of voices out there
I call the police! I answer him
"You're dead anyway" he forced a grin
"One more time", he says, closing his eyes for a few seconds, trying to calm down
,,Open that fucking door"
"I can't do that" I answer trying to breathe
At my answer, he purses his lips until a black line forms, being ready to do something but he is swept away from me by another young man who looks a lot like him,
"What the hell are you doing?" he shouts
I manage to tear myself away from the wall, leaving the crowd

Madison POV
I turn the corner towards the huge entrance of the cinema,
The doors and large windows are barricaded.
"No, no, no, it's not possible", I tell myself
I panic even more
They are behind me
They are aggressive, they run faster than I thought
My breathing is jerky,
I'm afraid,
It's a disaster here
How could I not hear everything that happened.
I hear their screams louder and louder, the building resounds,
Help" I yell out loud Running towards the large glass windows,
Help!!i yell again
I punch with all my might,
Help Please!i feel tears
Tom!! screamed, bursting into tears.

I close the door to the kitchen, trying to catch my breath, I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid
I'm trying to find something to defend myself with
I search shakily through the drawers of his preparation
I shove the mouthful in the throat of the slut and mushroom
I pull it out by plucking it and then stabbing it again,
And again until he falls down dead next to the other. there are two more
Howl like animals.
their appearance becomes even more hideous
They're getting wilder and wilder trying to devour me,
I turn to the other,
I suddenly feel the nails digging into my cheek,
I fall down, the blood begins to flow and trickle down my cheeks,
I try to ignore this and try to get up by dragging myself further back, he screams grabbing my right leg and pulling himself up by my hips,
It's above me.
I'm trying to fight for my life
I hit him but he resists by putting more possession.
I grab his hands trying to stop him from removing my face,
I feel like I'm giving in
losing control
It's too strong
And the agitation, the way he screamed and tried to take advantage of me, made him stronger,
My heart is calling his name
I need him,
I need him now
I need my killer
I need my protector
I need Tom
my eyes are watering
I want to give up,
The monster with a human face suddenly calms down for a second
Looking at me and enjoying me from the looks
As if he still had reason, and because he knew what he was doing
I look at him
I try to move to get out from under him

He digs his claws into my chest, putting me on the ground again, I scream in pain, I try to find something around me so I can stab him with something,
I can not find,
I feel weak,
I'm afraid
Noises are heard, I look towards the doors and windows
The light blinds ill for a few seconds and makes him scream
I take advantage of this and get out of his strait
I get up,
I feel like I'm falling down
I tremble even more
I reach the door and pull on it like a desperate woman
I am desperate.
I feel it suddenly open,
I go out, close the door, fall down leaning on the door, being the reason for staying closed,
I hear commotion and screams around me
My eyes close but I try to keep them open
I feel like they're going over my head
And that makes me not see anything,
I breathe in vain.
I feel a terribke knock behind the door I'm sitting at.
That creature
I am taken from there
I feel someone coming and trying to make sure I'm okay

I am not okay
I feel like I'm going to scream his name
I need his chest
I need his eyes
I need his look
Of his warm hands that would have caressed my cheeks.

"Stay away!" shouted a man towards that crowd.
I try to face people who are scared of me,
My eyes remain focused on the eyes that were looking at me worriedly trying to get out of the crowd to reach me.

Hope u like it
Sorry for gramatical mistakes
(Im jealous of another girls who has coms so ...)

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