Chapter 11- Sita and the Golden Deer

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"Ah! Just in time Uncle Mareecha. Please have a seat," Ravana greeted.

"Why did Your Majesty want to see me?" Mareecha questioned, sitting down lazily.

"Uncle, you know what happened with Shurpanakha. It hurts me that even after being the most powerful king on this Earth, my sister was humiliated. I failed to protect her. But now I want to seek revenge from those young men. I want you to help me. The plan is very simple. You'll change your form into a golden deer and frolick around their hut. I am sure they will seek you. Go far into the woods and at that moment I will kidnap that Sita and make her my captive. That Rama and Lakshmana will have to then surrender to me. What do you think?"

"Your Majesty, the plan is good, but those boys are no ordinary. They killed Tadaka at a very a young age. I hope Your Majesty has thought this through. I am willing to help," Mareecha said.

"Very well. You may go now."

Mareecha's last words disturbed Ravana. How could his Uncle even think that he would lose to those mere youngsters! Determined than ever, he ordered for his Pushpak Viman to be readied.


Sita sat in the shade of a mango tree, stringing delicate Prajakta into a garland. Sita hummed softly, as breeze ran through her beautiful black tresses. Rama sat near her, admiring his wife. Oh, how the love for her reflected in his golden-brown eyes! A hare had fallen asleep on her lap. She caressed his fur softly and adjusted herself so that he could be comfortable. Suddenly, a whirl of gold passed before their eyes. A golden deer stopped by the nearby pond and was sipping water happily.

"Swami! See a golden deer! His skin looks so unreal. Swami, I know this sounds stupid, but can you bring it here so I can pet it once? Please?"

"Sita, it is a free animal. Besides that, it may not like being touched."

"Swami, please. I won't keep him."

"Okay, but stay here. I will ask Lakshmana to be here."


"Bhiksham dehi!"

Sita peered out of the cottage and saw an old sage standing and asking for alms. She smiled at him and went inside to bring some wheat grains.

"Devi! Bhiksham dehi!"

"O Great Sage! Please come a bit near the entrance. I am not allowed to cross the rekha."

"Devi! Are you denying this old sage bhiksha?"

"Nothing like that, O Great one. Okay I'll will come out."

Sita gingerly stepped out of the Lakshmana Rekha. As soon as she was out, Ravana, disguised as the sage, grabbed her hair and called for his Pushpak-Vimana. He tied Sita to the seat and soared above in the air. His evil laughter echoed through the dense forest along with Sita's cries. Jatayu was sitting on a tree when he heard Sita's cries. Immediately, he went in the direction of voice and saw Sita in Ravana's Vimana. He soared above to the level of Vimana and challenged Ravana. The evil king just laughed and accepted Jatayu's challenge. A ferocious fight engaged between them. Suddenly, Ravana slayed right through Jatayu's wing. He screamed in agony and slowed his fall. His eyes teared up, not because he was hurt but because he failed to protect Sita.

Rama and Lakshmana were walking back to their cottage when they saw Jatayu, lying on the ground, almost lifeless. Rama immediately bent down and shook him. Jatayu's eyes fluttered open weakly.

"O Rama! I am truly sorry. I couldn't protect Ma Sita. Ravana took her away," he said, hastily.

"My Sita?" Rama's world had come crashing down. 

|| Hare Krishna Hare Rama ||

Thank you so much for reading this far!! I hope you enjoyed reading this. Forgive me and correct me if you find any mistake. I hope you will stick with me and this book till the end!❤️❤️

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