Chapter 8- Brotherhood

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Urmila cried softly, hugging the pillow to her chest. Her sister, her husband, and her brother-in-law, all had left at once. She knew she had to be strong for Mandavi and Shrutkeerti. Shrutkeerti peeked from behind the doors and saw her Urmi didi crying.

"Didi..." she choked on her words and hugged Urmila.

The palace, which once shined brighter than the pole star in the night sky had now become dull and listless. The glory had vanished and gloom hung in the air.

A messenger was sent to Kaikeya to call Bharata back in the light of King's failing health and Crown Prince's exile. Bharata rushed at once to Ayodhya. He was shocked to see the state in mourning. He rushed to his father's bed side.

"Bharata... is that you?"

"Yes, father. Please don't worry. I will go and bring back Brother Rama."

"He won't come back my son. He is a true Raghuvanshi just like you and me. He won't go back on his words. Even then I will long to see him."


Bharata climbed in his chariot and set off in the direction of Chitrakoot. He had come to know that his beloved brother had taken shelter there. A procession of army followed him, determined to convince Prince Rama to come back.

"Bhaiya! I see an army coming in our direction. Hold on, let me grab my bow and quiver," Lakshmana said.

"Laksh, don't be so hasty. Sit down. I am sure the person coming means no harm," Rama said, smiling calmly.

The army stopped at a distance and the prince got of the chariot. Lakshmana was shocked to see Bharata. Bharata walked towards them, his eyes brimming with tears. He fell at Rama's feet and sobbed uncontrollably. Rama put his hands around the shoulder and lifted him up. After wiping his tears with his angvastra, Rama offered him some water.

"Bharata, my dear brother, why are you here?"

"Bhaiya, please come back. I am so sorry on behalf of my mother. Please come back. Please."

"Bharata, I have given my word to father. I certainly cannot back away from my words. Please take care of the kingdom. You will, right?" Rama said, patting his head.

"But I don't want this kingdom! I don't want to rule. I want to be by your side all the time, bhaiya."

"Bharata, don't be so stubborn. Please don't compel me to break my promise."

"Okay bhaiya, please give me your sandals. I will keep them on the throne and take care of the kingdom on your behalf. Please don't say no."

"Okay, fine. Here. Now go back with a smile and remember I am always there for you in your heart. Hmm?"

"Yes bhaiya."

Bharata bowed down to his brother and sister-in-law. He hugged Lakshmana and climbed his chariot. They rode towards Ayodhya once again, comforted a bit at heart.

|| Hare Krishna Hare Rama || 

P.S. I am really, really sorry for not updating. I was busy with my university admissions and I didn't have time to write. But now I'm back on track and will update weekly/fortnightly (According to my exams and assignments). Please look forward to upcoming updates. Tell me how did you like it comments. Do vote and support! I hope you will stick with me and the book till end!!

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