• It's return, the end •

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• In that exact moment, you didn't know what would kill you first - the sharp teeth drawing into your flesh or the unbelievable fright that took a hold of you.
• Yes, you were scared - being thrown into the hands of the unknown that took you and your boys all together.

• and now you stood there, with a waterfall of blood flowing down your neck, debating whether any of you would make it out of it at all.

• you felt like fainting the moment screams and yells could be heard in an eerie echo
•meaning something was going on, yet you were unable to see it.
• but in a second, the clown's teeth were drawn out from your flesh, leaving indents and pools of blood into your skin.
• and you were fast to collapse on your knees, with your heart pounding and your head spinning

• still, you managed to turn your body towards the scene
• of a furios Patrick back on his feet - head covered in blood from the earlier impact and dragging pennywise to the ground, away from you.

• his eyes were ablaze by rage - a maniacally lit fire that you'd seen occur several times before
• and you knew and you feared that he'd toppled over the edge of insanity, out of control once again.

• "how dARE YOU" - you managed to make out words from his yelling - "HOW DARE YOU LAY YOUR HANDS ONTO THEM"
• and he continued yelling, while he held the creature down, slashing its body with a rust filled object he'd found laying somewhere around.

• "I'LL KILL YOU, FUCKER" - the words weren't unusual from Pat, yet his tone was more animalistic and sinister than you've ever heard before.
• and for a moment, you swore you knew he was enjoying the brutal act of murder that was happening right before your eyes.

• and yet, did you care about it?
• did you care about your boyfriend killing someone or something that had tortured you both along with your other boys?

• the answer was, no, you really didn't.
• actually, maybe pennywise deserved whatever he was being served - and maybe, you'd get up and join patrick in making his revenge on the clown.

• and thats exatly what you did, after getting back up to your feet and grabbing a metal bar that reggie had used earlier.
• it was already covered in blood, no harm in painting it even more red, you thought.

• and so you approached your crazed boyfriend and the thrashing creature beneath him, who struggled to break free.
• none of the forms pennywise took had any effect on Patrick - the form of you, Reg, Henry or Vic, even the form of Pat himself he didn't fear to hurt, knowing that it was still the clown playing tricks on him.
• He didn't fear his teeth or claws, not the eventual cries of the creature - and neither did you as you joined him with finishing off the stupid clown.

• words of insults spilled from your mouth and towards pennywise, soon joined by the other three boys.

• and before you knew it, the clown was only a shrinked version of himself, meltimg into the ground and begging for mercy he'd never recieve - because Patrick insisted on getting the job properly done.
• and he managed to get rid of the creature once and for all, with the help of you and the others.

• thinking back at the process, you honeslty find it kinda romantic.
• all of you covered in blood and determined to save each others lives, fighting the paranormal - who else would have had a date that exciting?

• you'd all managed to cuddle up in a bundle after the job was done - all feeling relieved and thankful to make it out alive.
• yet all of you had lost a lot of blood, so after patrick helped you guys out of the sewers, you all went to the hospital for a check up and some rest.
• to this day, even after a decade, you still have scars from the bit pennywise gave you.

• but here you are, alive and well, writing a sequel to your bestseller book that told the world about what happened - only in a form of fiction because nobody could know the actual truth (yes, I made yall into stephen king)
• except you and your beautiful four husbands, whom you married last year.

• oh and speak of the devil - the door to your living room opened, as the said four men walked in.
• "hey babe, hows writing going?" - asked Vic, who happened to be your manager and n1 supporter.

• "It's going great actually, thanks for asking" - you replied as all four of the men surrounded you in a hug
• "how was your guys' day so far?"

• Henry and Reg, who runned their own car company, told you about their newest achievements
• while Patrick, on the other hand, who was selling his pretty paintings, complained about some customer being too annoying to him today

• "yeah like he complained that his portrait that I had painted looked too much like a clown and I was like BITCH YOU LOOK LIKE A CLOWN FUCK OFF"

• and even as Pat went on and on about his stupid story,
you couldn't wish for a better life than this, as you sat in a circle and talked about nonsense with your favourite people in the world.


Dun dun duuuuunnnn

Wow, finally this book has come to an end - what a Rollercoaster it was huh.
(Although when I re read it I realized just how shitty the few first chapters are lol)

Anyways, thank you for tagging along a being patient and angelic and supportive!! I love you all sm!!!

And ik I promised alot of yall about writing requests, forgive me for that, but this book is officially over.

I will miss you all.
If anything, dont be shy to contact me.

Thank you for reading!!! Bye lovelies♡♡♡

- Mary.

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