• Nightmare pt2 •

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So we already have Y/n having a nightmare, so lets spice this one up ehhehwhwj

Beware of sappy shit

• after a long, tiring day of dealing with school and shitty people,
• you were relieved as the night finally fell

• it ment you could snuggle into your bed and relax for some time.

• so you changed into your PJ's and hopped into the pile of warm sheets
• ready to fall asleep

• and before you knew it, you were in dreamland

• that was until your ringtone started playing in your dream, disturbing the peace
• and you woke up to your cellphone ringing

• so you answered it, grumpily
• and you were met by the voice of Patrick

• "Pat? Geez what time is it?"

• he ignored your question though - "remember when you had a bad dream that night and I came over with the guys? Because I'm a good boyfriend?"

• "yea?"

• "can you come over now?"

• uh-oh
• was Patrick Hockstetter calling you for comfort?
• did he actually have a nightmare!?!??!
• whatever it was, it was definetly something to be concerned about.

• But the thing is, it wasn't completely shocking.
• Since the incident that happened with Pat, - when he disappeared for a couple of days, he wasn't been completely the same since he returned. (meaning the pennywise incident)
• sure, he was still this mean, psychotic braniac who loved messing with other people - but now, sometimes, he seemed more vulnerable, more human.
(Cause he's normally demonic)

• "I'm on my way babe" - you told him, while jumping out of your bed and looking for something to quickly change into - "are you okay?"

• he, once again, didn't answer you.
• only told you to hurry up and hung up the phone.

• you dashed out of your room
• leaving a quick note to your parents, saying you were staying at Patrick's
• and rushed outside

• took you 10 minutes to get to his house - which is impressive cause he didn't quite live nearby
• but you were running the whole way there so, good job you.

• he stood by his open window
• therefore he immediately spotted you're silhouette nearing his house

• He gestured you to climb into his room
• yaknow, like the boys do when they visit your place

• but there was literally no way you were doing parkour in your sleepy state while being watched by one of ur bfs
• especially Patrick
• that was some recipe for disaster
• plus he'd cruelly laugh at u if you failed so no thank you

• "just come down and open the front door already!"

•"god, you're such a loser" - he exclaimed while dramatically rolling his eyes and heading downstairs

• the door opened and you went inside
• thank god, otherwise you'd turn into an ice statue

• anyways, you and Patrick made ur way upstairs and lazyly collapsed onto his bed
• after laying like that for a couple of minutes, you asked him:

• "so, after worrying me to death, are you gonna tell me whats up?"

• he glanced at you for a while, expression completely blank,
• then looked back up at the ceiling and sighed

• "no." - he stated, while turning his back to you.

• def something wrong with this mf
• knowing he wouldn't start talking anytime soon, you decided to just cuddle up to him
• and reassure him

• typically, he wouldn't agree to cuddling just like that.
• especially if it was you spooning him (CAN U IMAGINE, I'D DIE)
• he'd sigh and roll his eyes dramatically while making a sly remark about you being clingy
• but this wasn't like those other times,
• This time, he let you wrap yourself around him, holding your hands close to his chest

• about twenty minutes passed with you laying like that in silence
• at this point you were sure he was asleep
• so it took you by surprise when he finally spoke

• "I dreamt of that day" - he told you - "when that something got me"

• you felt your heart shatter
• So that's what it was, no wonder he didn't want to stay alone.

• "hey, Pat?" - you began, while releasing him from your embrace so he could face you.

• "I won't let anything get to you, you hear me Patrick?" - you cupped his face in your hands -  "I'd rather sell my soul to the devil than let you be taken away from me and the boys, I won't-"

• "Okay, okay I get it" - he sighed, leaning his forehead onto yours - "you don't have to be so sappy Y/n"
• he finished his statement with a small chuckle
• meaning he actually was grateful of what you told him

• "whatever you say, pattycakes~"
• "jesus whyyyyy"

• thats how the heavy atmosphere cleared - with you cracking jokes and calling Patrick annoying nicknames

• "Hey, wanna call the guys too?"

• "thought you would have brought them along Y/n but apparently you want me all to yourself" *does weird eyebrown movement*

• "Oh pardon me, I was too busy making sure your dumbass was alive!"

• anyway you called the guys.
• except Victor, he keeps his phone on silent, remember?
• instead you asked Reggie to bring him  along with Henry.

• they arrived in no time!
• ofc Henry being grumpy cause he was just woken up
• Reggie acting like a concerned mother
• and Victor basically sleeping while standig

• they all gathered around Patrick, all three literally laying on top of him like a blanket
• while Patrick complained and you laughed your ass off

• "at least they'll keep you warm"

Hey guys, sorry if this chapter was kinda rushed in the end.
And sorry that I haven't updated this book in a while, school has literally been killing me and I've lost all my motivation lol
But I'm ready to get on track again! Decided I'll do the nightmare series for all the guys so stay tuned I guess!

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