• Patrick's disappearance pt3 •

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Ooooooor should I name this Patrick's re- appearance ;)) *does little happy dance*

Yall were being so dramatic in the comments (not that I'm complaining, I love reading you guy's reations, they make my days better so thanks for that!) asking to bring Pat back and I mean, OF COURSE HE'S GONNA BE ALIVE!!! I love that asshole I can't just kill him off.

Also u guys, theres 14k reads and I'm literally squeaking, like inhumanly.

Okay enough about that Imma start writing this already cause it's been a while.

(Part 3)

• everything seems to be slowing down as you're running through the white halls of the hospital

• you don't remember the ride there
• or how you dashed out of your mom's car as she was trying to call your boys

• the only thing on your mind, was making sure Patrick was really there.

• it's like the door to his room is getting further away
• but maybe it's just the tears in your eyes

• and in a split second, you're finally at your destination,
• staring at the figure on the other side of the door

• he's sat up in bed, head resting on a pillow behind him.
• half of his face is covered in bandages
• along with his arms and chest
• and yet, you've never seen him look so peaceful before.

• then, you're barging in.

• His eyes meet yours
• and suddenly, the time stops.

• the one thing in your sight is him, and him only.

• at seeing a familiar face, a face that he so dearly loved (even if he would never admit that), his eyes grow wide and his heart starts racing.
• and then he's telling you it's okay because it really was okay now that you were there

• you get closer to him with every step you take,
• scared that he'll vanish into thin air,
• that he's just a fragment of your imagination.
• you had told yourself so many times that he wouldn't be coming back, it was hard to believe Patrick was actually there in front of you.

• but as soon as your hands touch, there's no more doubt in your mind.

• tears spill out of your eyes as he pulls you close to his fragile body
• your guide him into your arms, wraping your own around his now thin frame, trying to listen to his heartbeat

"Patrick, Patrick, you're really here"
• Normally, he'd silence you
• but this time, he let you cry as he let some of his own tears run down his face

"of course I'm really here" - he tells you with a voice so hoarse, like he'd spent hours screaming.

• after what he had been through, being with you like that felt like a dream...
• but the dream was incomplete
• because he was missing his-

• as if on cue,
• the door opened
• with Henry, Reggie and Vic rushing in

• "PATRICK!" - they cried out, engulfing both of you in their arms

• believe it or not, they were all crying:
• Victor - straight up bawling, softly clingling onto Pat's arm.
• Henry - with silent tears rolling down his  cheeks, as he rested Patrick's forehead onto his own, hands resting in his love's dark locks.
• Reggie - also silently, pulling his head into the crook of Pat's neck
• and Patrick, who wasn't even trying to hold back his tears anymore - happily, because finally, finally he was home.

• "you do realize we're never gonna let you walk alone right?"

Oh my god, that was some sentimental shit right there
Pat is probably too out of character, but I mean c'mon, he survived the horror pf pennywise, he should have softened up a little huh?
Anyway, hope yall enjoyed reading this just as much as I enjoyed writing it, and now that it's out of the way, stay tuned for christmassy stuff!!!

♡, M.

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