• Rainy day •

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This request was really cute! I hope this is what you envisioned.

• you and the boys decided to hangout at Reggie's place today

• the plan was to cuddle up on the couch, keep each other warm while it rained outside
• and watch a horror movie (Pat's request)

• that's exactly what yall did.

• and yet, right at the most interesting moment, the lights went out

• everyone groaned in annoyance
• and Patrick started cursing

• "okay chill Pat, we'll just continue the movie when the lights are back"

• and so, to pass time, Vic suggested to play something
• that something ended up being a game of truth or dare

• and while most of the time it was pretty dangerous to play this game with the gang, right now, everyone was too lazy to get freaky.
• maybe it was the rain outside, or the darkness, but the atmosphere was too chill for that kinda stuff

• but soon the game got boring, to you anyway
• you were bored out of your mind.
• and so, you decided to dare the boys to go outside with you

• "Y/n, I don't know if you can see it love, but Its legit raining?" - Victor claimed

• "No shit sherlock, that's what makes it fun!" - you say, while getting off of Patrick's lap where you've been sitting this whole time

• "Hey, no, come back" - Pat tried to grab you, but instead you grasped and tugged on his hands for him to get up with you

• you ran to the front door, opening it
• the loud sound of water plummeting down the street engulfed your ears
• and coldness overcame the room

• "Oi, Y/n close the damn door, it's cold!" - Henry complained, tugging his blanket closer (baby)

• "nope nope nope, I'm going outside! And if you whimps are bailing on the dare, just say so."
• you knew that after this statement, they would follow you, just to prove you wrong.

• "Now, now, watch your mouth Y/n" - Patrick said, getting closer

• but before he could even get to you, you leaped, running outside into the rain

• "wow guys, she really just did that" - Pstrick stopped in his tracks
• he didn't actually believe you'd go out there but there he was, watching you run in the heavy rain like a crazy person from the doorway

• he was shoved away by Reggie
• "Babe, get back here, you'll catch a cold!"

• "Oh, don't be so boring, love!" - you yelled back at him, motioning for him to join you

• after a couple of minutes of all four of them watching you from the doorway, Reggie finally gave up

• "man, where are you going?!" - victor complained, only earning a small chuckle from Reg

• all four of you thought he'd just drag you back into the house, so it was a big surprise when he came up and started twirling you around
• that earned him a couple of giggles from you (his heart almost exploded) and shocked gasps from the guys

• "YOU TRAITOR! WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON?!" - Henry yelled out dramatically, while Pat sighed, already bored of the situation

• he straight up grabbed Henry (because he was the closest to him) and stepped outside
• of course Henry complained to the max, thrashing around and yelling like a madman, complaining about getting wet

• but once he realized that it was too late and that he was already soaked, he stopped trying to break free
• but still, it's Henry, so he was still very unpleased about the situation and had an angry look on his face

• "oh c'mon Henry, don't be a grumpy old man!" - you yelled out for him, grabbing his hand - "come, dance with me"

• his protests didn't cut it this time either, as you forced Henry to dance with you
• Patrick apparently thought that the scene was hilarious and was laughing his ass of
• bitch almost choked on the rain

• you managed to grab him too, but he would rather die than dance with you under the rain and be a little romantic, so he started wheezing like a diseased cat
• that made everyone roll on the ground

• "Hey, where's -" you were about ask where Vic had gone off to
• but then you spotted him standing outside the house, with a fricking UMBRELLA and a can of soda and ascarf wrapped around him, watching yall like a weirdo

• All four of you stopped in you tracks to stare dumbfounded at Victor
• and then start laughing even more than you were before

• "Oh C'mon, Y/n's dare was to go outside, not get wet. SO, I'M TECHNICALLY COMPLETING THE DARE"

• "wow, this bitch really thinks he's smart" - Patrick said, while smirking
• then he started running to Victor, with Henry and Reggie right at his heels

• Vic screamed like a little girl, trying to get away from the three but he failed
• the guys took away his umbrella and tossed it aside, throwing Vic under the rain

• "NOO, MY HAIIIR!!!!" - he yelled dramatically, while falling to his knees - "YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!"

• meanwhile, rip Y/n, because you died laughing at the scene in front of you

• yall ended up playing tag in the rain until  it stopped completely

• and guess what?
• Reggie was right, all of you caught a cold.
• but it was worth it.

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