• It's Return pt2 •

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Just in case: Trigger warning: blood and gore, throwing up, death(?).

• Water splashed beneath your every step, as you ran as fast as your feet could carry you.

• it was dark, and you couldn't tell which way you were running
• or how long you have been already.

• though the further you went, the deeper you got engulfed into the darkness of the cold underground.

• there was no light to be seen, no matter how much you hoped for it to be there
• and slowly, you were running out of breath.

maybe whatever the hell was trailing behind you, had stopped chasing.

or maybe, there was nothing even there in the first place...

• you could only hope, as you came to a halt.
• you legs could no longer move, and your lugs were set on fire.

• it got quiet for a moment, if you didn't count your ragged breathing
• and for a second, you believed your own thoughts from earlier

maybe it was just a fragment of your imagination

maybe you were just sleeping, stuck in a nightmare.

• soon, you'd wake up in your cozy bed, next to the pillows and the fluffy blankets
• with your boys all sprawled around you, like-

"Oh, there you are."

• your heart plummeted down your chest.
please, please, no...

• and yet, no matter how much you tried to deny it, the presence of something cold, something wicked and evil, was lingering where you stood.

• "what the fuck are you?!" - you yelled into the abyss.

"I already told you" - called out a voice - "I'm Pennywise, the dancing clown." - it snickered.

• it came to view then, the same glowing orbs of yellow, glaring back at you
• slowly coming closer

• and closer...

• and closer.

• It scared you, like nothing ever before. - being lost at the hands of something so unknown.

• "Leave me alone!" - you cried out, begging for whatever god was out there, to make it all go away -" you're not real! Leave!"

"not real? You're hurting my feelings Y/n!" - the clown suddenly exclaimed, pouting at you - "tell me then, if I'm not real, how did I kill all of your friends Y/n?"

• "No, you did not! You're just messing with my head!"

"oh oh, right" - it said in a sing-song voice, as if mocking you, clearly enjoying the little show it put together - "take a look yourself"

• before you could form another though, the area was illuminated by a distant sourse of light
• and you could finally make out your surrounding - a narrow tunnel, sewer water on the ground and...

something touched your leg.

• you let your gaze shift downward..
• and oh, god, you wish you never had.

• starring back at you, were lifeless eyes of Victor.
• His beautiful white hair, stuck to what was left of his now rotten and moldy face..
• his mouth agape, filled with filthy water to the brim
• and you watched as he floated on the surface of the underground.

• you didn't even realize you were screaming bloody murder...

• But then a hand cought your leg, making you jump out of pure fear

• "hello, beautiful" - a voice croacked out, and your eyes were met with yet another horrible picture.

• it was Patrick, clinging onto your legs
• half of his face was practically eaten and whatever left of him was burnt and bloodied.

• "I missed you" - he said, voice hoarse, blood and saliva dripping from his crooked mouth - "We've been waiting for you.."

"Join us Y/n" - spoke yet another voice, as Reggie's face floated up to the surface next to Victor's head.

• his eyes were gouged out, and still, there was a smile plastered onto his deformed face

• you heart was running laps at this point and it was getting hard to breathe by the second
• your mind could't process anything anymore,
• but your your nostrils were filled with smell of slowly rotting human remains, alarming you and triggering your gag reflex.

• "please Y/n, stay with us" - said Henry, who slowly stepped out of the void, barely being able to walk
• his clothing hung from what was left of his body, torn and ragged, along with his sickeningly pale skin

• you let out yet another scream, horrified by the scene in front of you
• Patrick's fingers dug deeper into your skin as you tried to break out from his grasp to run as far away from this hell as possible

• "Y/n, don't leave us here" - they all said in unsion, as Henry came closer to your now shaking form and collapsed by your knees.

• "We can finally be together" - they said,
• voices getting louder as they repeated this one sentence over and over again like some sick mantra

"We can finally be together"

• It hammered into your mind repeatedly, driving you insane

"We can finally be together"

• loud laughter echoed from somehwere in the darkness
• and you screamed again for mercy, feeling how your were losing your voice

• it got stuck inside your throat like a lump, or maybe it was the disgusting smell that finally pushed you over the edge
• but you found yourself falling onto fours and throwing up

"It's okay" - told you Reggie
• but oh, we both know it wasn't.

• your insides burnt as if fire was set to your every organ, your throat dry from screaming and your eyes red from crying so much

• "please, get me out of here" - was the last thing you managed to say...

• "but Y/n, we can finally be together" - was the last thing you heard, before you collapsed into the filthy arms of the corpses and let the void swallow you whole.


Wow is Y/n dead? Maybe idk we'll see.

YOHOHOW HOW ARE YOU GUYS DOIIIING? I'm dead, I'm soo sorry for not updating for so long but I have final exams!! Till like August, yeah I'm SCREWED!!

Idk how often I can update this but we'll see.

Hope this chapter wasn't too rushed, tell me what yall think abt it!

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