• It's Return •

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• "Patrick you're being paranoid" - Henry grumbled as Pat paced around the room

• "No the fuck I'm not"

• "yes the fuck you are. Just because she's a little late, doesn't mean something's wrong."

• "Henry you Idiot" - Patrick stated, earning an annoyed grunt from the blond - "we were supposed to meet up an hour ago!"

• "Maybe something came up." - Vic chimed in, trying to find an explanation as to why you were not with the boys right now.

• "She would have called in that case" - Patrick said back, defending you.

• "Maybe she didn't have time to?" - Reggie suggested, although he grew more worried by the second, as he listened to Patrick talk.

• "Impossible" - Pat claimed, taking in the defeated looks of his partners.

• "okay, let's call her ourselves" - Henry sighed, getting up and grabbing the telephone.

• "I already did. Went to voicemail"

• "okay, now that's very unusual for Y/n" - Victor stated the obvious, putting everyone more on edge.

• "then we'll call her again." - and Henry dialed your number.





• The first thing you felt as you came back to your senses, was your head pounding.
• then came a disgustingly and sickeningly awful smell of sweat, urine and rotting flesh...

• the sound of something dripping echoed in the background, slicing through the thick silence
• and you felt the cold, wet ground underneath you.

• When you finally opened your eyes, you saw pitch black.

• it took some time to adjust to the darkness and finally see, but you did eventually...
• although you wish you never had.
• the scene unfolding before your eyes would haunt your dreams forever...

• It didn't even look real, more like some twisted painting form a twisted artist.
• and yet, it was right there. - a turning tower of people, dead bodies floating in the air... like a never ending cycle of death itself.

• you would have been screaming your lungs out if not the shock taking over your body.
• you were speechless, scared and lost, starring at something that could only exist in the depts of hell.

• and then, from the corner of your eye, you saw something else move.

• "look at you," - a voice, somewhat playful but just as scary, boomed from the darkness - "you're finally awake."

• the moving blur finally took its form and soon, a ghostly white face emerged from the shadows.
• a big, creepy smile made it's way upon it as it ogled its yellow eyes at you.



"I'm pennywise, the dancing clown."

• And your scream echoed.

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