Chapter 18

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🍁🍂The Sign🍂🍁

I woke up the next morning the sun was just rising and I felt heavy, I laid there watching the sun then a flash back happened.
It was Dolly and me laying outside watching the sun rise a big beautiful smile on her face and in the distance with the house I could hear our parents arguing
I turn back to see Dolly looking at the house.

"Don't mind them Dolly"

"Do they argue because of me?"

"What? Why would you think that?"

She turned back to the rising sun with a small smile on her face sitting up laying her head on her knees.

"Mom doesn't love me....she told me she didn't."

I look at her shocked my heart fell.

"Dolly she was probably in a bad mood."

She looked at me and the sun made her face glow like a goddess.

"It's okay Nyla you're like my mom and as long as you love me I'll be okay."

And just like that the memory faded....
I never understood why my mom treated her so badly.
She didn't deserve this.......
Dolly was too young

After four hours Sage came in my room I hadn't moved at all I missed the harvest today and breakfast and lunch.
I haven't moved since I woke up this morning.



"Are you okay?"

Then it hit me I may have not been able to protect and help Dolly but I had Sage and she needed a big sister and I couldn't go back to being depressed Sage needed me...

"Yeah sorry just been really sleepy"

"Okay well Auntie says I should wake you up"

I sit up and push my hair back out of my face looking at the window still.

"What are you looking at?"

"Not sure honestly I just feel lost is all"

Sage sits at the edge of my bed and looking out the window to I look to her as the sun shined on her, she looked lost as well.


"Nyla what happened to us?"

"We-hell I can't lie Sage our family is fucked but I know we can get through it,it may take time but we'll be okay."

She smiled and turned to me.

"I just wish there were cute boys around"

I roll my eyes and move the blanket off me and stand up stretching , taking a deep breath in.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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