Chapter 5

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🎃Pumpkin Disaster 🎃

When morning came around I slowly got ready and when I got down stairs my sister and her friends were all ready my mother stood glaring at me and my father was no where to be seen . As we walked out the door and down the sidewalk I noticed the girls whispering to each other probably figuring out a way to make my life harder or a plan to get me back for last night but that was their fault.

As we walked to the pumpkin patch two boys came up to Sage and her friends, Sage looked worried.
I gave her a stern look knowing mom didnt like her hanging with boys.

"Look if you promise to stay safe while I sit and not follow you , I wont tell."

Sage watched me for a minute unsure if she could trust me but I was being serious I wanted nothing to do with any of today and it's a pumpkin patch what bad could even happen.

"Promise thanks for being cool for once Nyla."

I glared at her cool I'm always cool! But with that we finally got to the pumpkin patch they ran to get tickets first then me and as I find a good seat . Sage grabs my hand and pulls me to her group.

"We have to have an so called adult in the scary maze with us."

She huffed in irritation, I look at her in disbelief she wanted me to go in the maze with them!

"What about are agreement?"

She stomped her foot I could tell she was about to throw a fit so at this point I just rolled my eyes at her and agreed I walked around with them we did the classic hay ride to the pumpkin patch picked out pumpkins , then got a snack, on too the normal corn maze. I had fun watching them all get excited I felt like they kinda except me in their group because ever now and then they would want selfies with me or hold a conversation with me .

For the first time I felt happy hanging with Sage and her friends. when night rolled around we all got some hot chocolate and waited as they announced the scary maze was now open we finished are hot chocolate and head to stand in line they talked about all the things they would see the boys would say how they would fight someone you know teenager boy things to make them look manly. When we finally went through everyone was quiet and slowly walking the maze was light by green lights to red to just plain yellow.

One of the girls was recording everything and mainly her voice, as we walked we seen some people dressed like clowns , zombies, and two twin girls things that spooked them to death at some point .
A guy with a chainsaw popped out and stuck the chainsaw between me and one of the boys putting the chainsaw tip in the back of his shirt lucky not cutting him !
I turn to the guy and kick him in the dick.

" Are you fucking insane your not supposed to touch people and not have the chain on the saw you ass"

I yelled at him as he winced in pain on the ground holding himself . But we continued walking I was going to report this guy fucking dip shit!

"Damn Nyla didnt see you ever doing that"

Sage said looking back at me as I was looking at the boys back to make sure there weren't any wounds .

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