Chapter 3

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Friend or foe

But it didn't last long I woke up at three in the morning from the same dream I laid there still shaken from the dream until it was seven that's when I got up and went down stairs for food Sage had already gone to school so it was me and my mother still in the house.
I looked in the fridge for something to eat when she spoke to me.

"Since it's your birthday I'll ground you tomorrow but I have to get to work"

Was all she said closing the front door not even a happy birthday?
I scoffed and decided to eat some cereal I sat thinking of the events that happened yesterday I noted to myself I was gonna write about it in my journal after cleaning my dish I went up stairs to get ready once I did that I sat at my desk writing.
Maybe it had been an hour or two since I did, stretching back in my chair but froze mid stretch when I heard my name being called.


It was my mom? Confused I went to open the door but suddenly I was shoved away from the door, freaked I glanced at the thing that shoved me a girl my age, tall ,short blonde hair and she looked almost mystical like a fairy!
Before I could even utter a word my mother's voice came again but angry


My mother screamed now banging on the door making the door shake violently!

" Run out the window!"

The strange girl yelled helping me up to my feet and put the window falling with a thud she pulled me along with her taking us behind an old barn a few feet away from my property, my lungs burned from the running and my mind was raising why was I running from my mother?

When I was able to catch my breath I turned to this fairy girl.

" What is going on!?" "Who are you? no better question what are you?!"

The girl looked at me with beautiful goldish brownish eyes but those eyes were freighted.

"It wasn't her it was a night walker"


"What do you mean!"

She nervously bites her lip

"It's not safe it was pretending to be your mother"

"Like a mimic?"

"Well yes"

"Then why did you call it a Night walker!"

I yelled and she looked around us to check and make sure nothing followed us.

"Yes because they come out at nigh-"

She stopped mid sentence and I know why because it wasn't fucking dark out! It was two pm!

"Well then shouldn't it come out at like you know night time!"

"Yesss... But your house was I guess too dark so it waited on something or someone to let it in?"

She said meckly I looked at this crazy girl just utterly panicked and lost!
This was making no sense whatsoever. What did she mean waiting for someone or something to let it in my house!

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