Start from the beginning

The day went fairly well for the both of you.

It was a few hours before evening, everyone was busy getting their lunch because the food was limited you also grabbed your lunch as you took a sit beside Shizuki.

"THANKS FOR THE FOOD." Everyone said in sync before delving into their plates.

You took a bite and continued but then you saw Shizuki fiddling her fingers appearing to be hesitated to ask something.

"Say it." You said.

"H-Huh?" She gawked at you.

"You have something to say, don't you?" You asked.

"Oh it's nothing important but....I was wondering what you are going to do after you get out of here...." She spoke with a awkward smile on her face.

You took a pause for a second before replying, "I want to do something for the girls."

"The girls, how so?"

"I want to create a world where girls get equal rights and opportunities as the boy's," you spoke looking up at her. "and nobody finds it questionable because this is something I believe which should be natural but unfortunately it's not in our society." You continued.

You took a glance at the expression she made towards you which definitely caught you off guard as you caught a sight of eyes filled with enthusiasm and respect which felt like was meant for you.

"That would a wonderful thing to do milady...!"

You just gave her a small smile in return.

"Thank you.."

"Why are even thanking me my lady? I only spoke the truth.". She asked feeling shy.

"It's not about that...thank you for asking what I wanted to do, thanks for looking up to me." You said as you looked down at your food not having the courage to say all that to her face.

"Always my lady!"


It was dark now almost midnight few hours before you would escape.

Everyone was in their chamber getting ready for bed, meanwhile you were out her pretending to take food for his majesty.

You paced up as you made your way to the dungeon where Shizuki's sister was held captive.

You did not dare to attempt the stupidity to go in there by yourself but instead sent you snow eaters you knew they would do their job pretty well without anybody knowing.

"Cursed technique: Snow eaters."

Many hounds made of snow emerged from your curse technique they made no wait as they were very much aware of their task.

You just sighed hoping that they would do their job in silence.

Few minutes passed, you slowly walked up to the tunnel nearing the dungeon.

Setting foot inside you saw blood splattered all over.

You felt very bad for Shizuki's sister for witnessing all of this. But then again did you have have any other choice? No.

But to your surprise you saw one of your snow eaters hovering above her as if preventing her to see any of the mess.

They surely were made by you.

You quickly dashed towards the cage kicking it open before rushing up to the petite little girl.

"Are you alright!?" You asked taking her on your arms as you saw her snuggling more on to you.

"It's alright...it's alright you are free now.." You comforted patting her back.

"Let's get out of here.."

You currently found yourself running towards the kitchen, which had a huge window atop it.

The little girl was fast asleep on your embrace so it was a lot more easier for you this way.

You quickly entered the kitchen and the dim moonlight fell upon you through the huge window's which had net all over it, which infact was going to be a big hussle to get rid if and pass through.

You wondered if Shizuki was waiting out there as planned.

You took a deep breath before walking up to the kitchen counter slowly climbing over it. The little girl still in your arm.

You took the comb which you gave her,out from the girl's pocket which was a definitely not a comb but a silver knife.

You wrapped your fingers around it before taking another deep breath.

You used the knife against the metal net which was covering the window attacking it several times trying your best to make a crack.

'Shit..! I will have to hurry.'

You said as you desperately pounded on the metal net with the knife. And you slowly saw the iron bending due to the immense pressure you put.

You intertwined your finger with the net just a few seconds away before pulling if when you suddenly heard foot steps.

'Fuck. Fuck.Fuck.'

You thought as you quickly retreated kneeling down covering your mouth with your palm preventing any sort of noise to come out.

The foot steps were getting nearer and louder and it suddenly stopped before you heard a deep voice.



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