Meanwhile Aerin struggled to find words. She looked at yoongi to help her but the latter just smiled and started to take away the dirty dishes. Her eyes then moved towards Jungkook who was just eating as if he is not related to whatever that's happening.

Sighing to that she started. "Jihoonie, you sleep with d-dada I'll go sleep with your halmonie"

"I can't share my bed. Good night" with that Aerin's mother left. As savage always, Aerin thought.

Before Aerin could start, Yoongi pulled Bangchan and disappeared inside guest room despite Bangchan's ramblings.

Aerin gulped. Her eyes shifted to the three human sitting before them. Same faces with different expressions.


"Jihoonie, this is my favourite pyjamas. I'll ask dada to buy you an exact pyjama next time yeah?" Jiyoung said and jumped on the bed. Jihoon smiled and nodded as he joined her on bed. Aerin and Jungkook had a sweet smile looking at their children. Then by chance their eyes locked with eachother.

If there were no misunderstandings between each other, they would have enjoyed this moment even more happily.

Soon their thoughts were disturbed by a sudden call to Jungkook. Jungkook broke the eye contact from Aerin and saw the person who's calling. His expression changed into concern as his eyes fell on Aerin who was still watching him. She frowned seeing Jungkook's sudden change in expression.

"Oh! It's somi? Dada i wanna talk to her..i wanna say my brother is here.. give the phone to me"

"Somi?" Aerin's heart felt heavy as soon as her daughter said the name. Her gaze fell on Jungkook who looked even more frightened now. "He still speaks with Somi? Are they in relationship now?"

"W-wait Jiyoungie I'll speak first and give it to you" he looked at Aerin for one last time and went to the balcony to speak with her. Aerin's felt a lump in her throat but she soon composed herself and smiled shifting her attention towards her kids Jiyoung and Jihoon.

"Who is somi?" Jihoon asked in tiny.

"Oh she's my dad's best friend. She has always been there for me from my young age. I like her so much..she always gets me gifts you know?" she said with a pretty smile.

"She has always been there for me" if words could kill, Aerin is dead now. Ofcourse Somi has always been there for her when she was the one who should have done that.

Jungkook's laughter could be heard from the balcony. She made him happy when she didn't. "It's all my fault..i failed"

"Okay then..yeah bye" Jungkook came inside with a cheerful face. His smile dropped as soon as he saw Aerin who was staring at him.

"His smile vanished as soon as he saw me..but he was so comfortable laughing with her..i failed"

Jungkook gulped seeing her staring at him. Memories of them fighting over somi hit his brain which caused him discomfort. He quickly pushed away the thoughts and went to bed and tucked the kids down to sleep.

"Mom come" Jihoon asked comfortably lying on Jungkook's arm. She then slowly went towards the bed with a small sigh and sat down the bed. Jiyoung turned towards her brother and father so that she's showing her back.

It all hurted her so much. "It's all my fault..i failed miserably" she lied down the bed and turned opposite side so that now her back is showing towards the trio. Jungkook could feel Aerin's suffering which instantly made him feel bad. He felt heavy as he slowly brushed Jihoon's hair. But he was at the position that he couldn't do anything.

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