Love bird(s)

19 3 7

The end of winter season and the beginning of Summer season

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The end of winter season and the beginning of Summer season. Birds chirping enthusiastically, bugs going on finding a new home after the vanished home due to heavy snow, where humans hiding under shelter due to the heat.

Everything went well as if the world is healing on it's own. That's what Jungkook's feeling right now. He would have never believed if someone have said that you will walk hand in hand again with your girlfriend who probably had a memory loss of you. But here he goes with her safe in his hands.

As his thoughts wandered he quickly made her hand come towards his lips and kiss it.

"W-why.. suddenly?" Aerin asked with blush creeping up her cheeks.

"Do i need reason to kiss my girlfriend's hand?" he says as his eyes fall sharp on her own. She immediately blushed even more and bent her head lower.

The relationship between them went in a very healthy way. He made sure to take care of Aerin at every instant, Shower her with love and spoil her with whatever she wants. Meanwhile Aerin who became very greatful that she got one beautiful love and wanted to secure it this time.

"We are here" Aerin says as she stands in front of her home. Jungkook felt a knot in his stomach as he is about to meet Yoongi and their mom after a long time. Yoongi tried to contact Jungkook but the younger just neglected it after Aerin once fell out of his memories.

Aerin suddenly pecked his cheeks who was taken aback. "You don't need to worry for anything, Yoongi was so happy when i said you are coming over. It won't be a big deal just relax"

Jungkook immediately calmed down as soon as Aerin said some calm words. He smiled mischievously as he leaned in front of Aerin who's now backing up.


"I'm still so tensed. Need a kiss on lips" he says as he leans in more.

"Yah we are in front of our" Jungkook was not having it as he pulled her nape and kissed her. Aerin tried to push him but his hold was very strong so she just felt defeated and let him kiss.

"Ewwwwwww my eyes" a loud voice suddenly beamed indicating the arrival of Hoseok. He became dramatic as he hide his eyes with his beautiful hands after seeing the couple kissing in centre of the road. Aerin immediately panicked as she pushed Jungkook stronger and ran inside her home.

"Hey Aeri- yah! You don't have to cock block at a beautiful moment. Are you for real..ah this makes me crazy" Jungkook said and scratched his head.

"It's you who did public nuisance. Not me" with that he removed his sunglasses. Jungkook noticed Taehyung beside Hoseok who was so silent and biting his lips with doe eyes. He tilted his head to side ways not able to understand his friend. He quickly went towards Hoseok and started whispering.

Kiss me in rain | JJKOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant