Chapter 24: Home Sweet Oh No

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"What's going on Zen? Is everything alright?"

Zen paces up and down Jack's apartment. He looks nervous. It can't be what I think it is, is it? I mean how long would it take for the entire Bigfoot clan to decide on a date and time to meet with the resistance?

"The clan and the tribe want to meet to deliberate about our resistance and what we've done to in showing all our four countries what we're capable of. And they want to meet as soon as possible."

"Well that's good right?" Jack chimes in. "That means we can put a stop to this war once and for all!"

Zen stops pacing and crosses his arms. He narrows his eyes at both of us. "Though it may seem that way, we can't be entirely certain that they don't have tricks up their sleeves as well. For all we know, this could be a trap."

Zen resumes his pace while Jack makes his way to the couch and sits down. I follow Jack to the couch and sit next to him. He eyes me nervously. I can tell he's just as uncertain as I am.

"So Zen, has a meeting time and place been decided yet?" I look towards Zen.

He shakes his head. "No, I've been waiting for you two to get back from your little vacation. Now that you are back, I'm thinking that we plan a meeting with the clan tomorrow night. Is that enough time for you two to be prepared? We will meet at the clan's headquarters, away from the resistance to keep our location safe and hidden."

Jack gets up and shakes his head. "You want us to meet directly into the heart of the Bigfoot clan? What if they seize us?! They are very powerful."

Zen moves closer to us. "Not if all four leaders of all four countries are there. Trust me, they don't want to ruffle our feathers."

Jack sits back down and looks to the side pensively. "I suppose that could work."

Zen nods and walks towards Jack's apartment door. "Okay, great. Meet me at my apartment tomorrow night at around 7. From there we'll go directly to the meeting. And don't worry about preparing anything. Just do what you two always do."

Zen nods at us before making his way out of Jack's apartment. When he closes the door, Jack and I collectively sigh in relief.

"Oh man, so much for coming back home to rest and relaxation." I say as I look at Jack, only he doesn't turn to look back at me.


He's turned away, eyes closed. He looks stressed out. I don't think I've ever seen him this nervous before.

"Ben, I'm worried about tomorrow. I don't know how this is going to turn out. Things could go very, VERY bad for us. They could take me away. Imprison me for being an exile that returned. They could take you away to be studied. They could take both of us away. We may never see each other ever again."

Jack opens his eyes and turns to me, grabbing me by the shoulders and holding me close to him. "I know we have the protection of the yeti tribe now, especially now that we're bonded with Zen, that pretty much guarantees us safety, but you never know how this could turn out."

I feel Jack's warm, sweaty chest against my face. He's definitely nervous. I turn my head inwards and kiss his chest. He groans quietly and holds me tighter.

"I just don't want any of this to end or go away. I feel like we just started to get to know each other on a deeper level. Everything seems so wonderful. And now this." Jack's hold on me grows even tighter.

"Jack if you squeeze me any tighter, you'll hurt me."

I immediately feel him loosen up, my face being less squished into his hairy jungle of a chest. Jack puts his hands on the back of my head and back, and slowly begins to caress me. It feels so good.

"I trust you, I trust Zen. I think we have a solid plan with revealing ourselves tomorrow and what humans and Bigfeet are capable of. I think this could bring about huge changes for all of us."

Jack nods and I continue. "I think the biggest change might be your clan adjusting to humans coming home and living without that economic impact anymore."

Jack nods. "Well, Bigfeet are the only country that uses humans for military and other purposes. None of the other countries do it. Or at least, they don't admit to doing it. I can't say for certain."

Jack continues to caress me as we both lay down on his couch together. We both yawn and start to fall asleep.

"This vacation we had was amazing, Ben. I can't believe I even got to meet your family. Do you think they liked me?"

I nod and kiss Jack in the chest. "Yes, they loved you. In fact, they probably think we'll be married one day."

Jack smiles and laughs. "If only they knew."

Jack and I slowly both nod off to sleep in the peace and quiet of his apartment.

When we awaken a few hours later, Jack starts to kiss me all over my body. "What do you say we have some fun before the big event?"

Jack picks me up as if I weigh nothing and carries me to his bedroom. He smiles and kisses me the whole way there.

"You want to have a steamy night before the big confrontation? I think we can make that work."

Jack and I get into his bedroom. He gently lays me down on his bed. Together we both get out of our clothes and cuddle in his bed. I feel his warmth and furry body, the electric feelings of energy coming over both of us. Suddenly, we're both transformed into our bigfeet forms again. Jack smiles at me and wraps his hands around my body to give me hug. "I love you Ben."

"I love you too, Jack."

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