Chapter 17: The Resistance

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Why do I keep waking up with giant pairs of feet in my face? This should be a running gag at this point. I open my eyes and in front of me are not just the very familiar and recognizable Bigfoot soles up in my face, but also an equally giant yeti pair of feet in my face as well. I can hear both of them sleeping still. I don't even know how all of us manage to fit in this bed. I try to feel around and realize that I'm at the foot of the bed.

Slowly, I try to shift myself in between Jack and Zen's feet. I'm in between them both like a giant sandwich. Don't get me wrong, this position is very hot and sexy, but when you're trying to get to the bathroom, it's just in my way.

Zen's sole is literally up in my face. I can feel his squishy, warm soles. Memories of last night fill my mind of Zen making me worship them. He is very dominant and verbal. He talks about being the prince of the Yeti tribe and how worshipping his feet is something that most yeti only dream of. I'm not used to hearing that much verbal assertiveness, but it was kind of interesting. Sometimes in tense, sexual situations the lack of sound can be a bit awkward. Zen's verbal side fills the lack of sound with something more interesting. Even Jack noticed too and was completely buying into it. I was actually surprised by how much Jack enjoyed last night. It was cool.

I still don't know where I stand in terms of a couple or trouple. Right now there just doesn't seem to be any labels at all, and I'm okay with that.


I feel Zen lift his feet. I slide off him instantly and land on the floor of Jack's bed. I get up only to realize that both of them are still asleep.

Slowly, I shuffle my way to the bathroom and turn on the lights, staring at my reflection in the mirror. Well, at least I'm still human.

I sit on the toilet and think about all the things that have happened this week. How the fact that today is Thursday and that tomorrow night I will be heading home to hang out with my family. I don't even know what to tell them. Something like:

Hey guys, so the apartment life is great. I made some new friends and I have a boyfriend now, who happens to be Bigfoot. And we've become bonded with each other. And we've also become bonded with a yeti. And I'm half Bigfoot now and maybe even half yeti too. And they are from another planet. And that planet might be going to war because the Bigfoot clan and yeti tribes are upset with each other. And the Bigfoot clan is recruiting humans and brainwashing them into mindless soldiers for the fight. And now I'm part of a resistance group to show that humans and Bigfeet/yeti alike can bond with each other and therefore we're worthy and able to be seen as equals to end the war. Maybe. How's your day going?

I put my hands in my face and sigh. There's been some bright sides to this I guess. Being half Bigfoot has tripled my metabolism. I can eat and not gain weight. I'm taller and thinner. I can literally become a Bigfoot. My boyfriend doesn't care that I'm a side and literally all the sex we have is kink related in some way. I've never been more sexually satisfied and happy with my relationship. Jack is an attentive, loving boyfriend that spares no expense at giving affirmations and being respectful and happy. Zen is actually a really cool guy and while I have no idea where that's going, he's been a fun change of pace.

I get up from the bathroom toilet, flush it, and wash my hands. Feeling the cold water on my face, I begin to splash it on me, waking me up a bit more. I dry myself off and make my way to the bedroom. Jack and Zen are still fast asleep. I walk around the bed and get into Jack's arms. He wakes up, kisses me, and then holds me tight in his chest.

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