Chapter Thirty

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"My father wants to speak to you."

"Your father?"

Honestly, you wonder why Poseidon wishes to speak with you.

"Yes," Triton confirms.

The merman notices your worried gaze and quickly comforts you.

"Don't worry, my father means you no harm." You huff and roll your eyes.

"As if I would allow him harm me to begin with" you statement amuses Triton.

"Now, that is some confidence I don't get to see everyday"

You smile, warming up slightly to Triton who, in your eyes, is nice.

But still you won't let your guard down

"Why didn't your father come and greet me himself?" you inquire, not moving an inch.

"Because, he is too much of a prideful bastard"



"You are brutally honest, Triton"

"I know"

"Then lead the way, I'm curious to know what Poseidon wants, by the way how is Ariel doing?"

Triton looks confused at you.


You chuckle, placing your hand on his shoulder.

"No one"

Is it humorous that you have hopped to see the red haired mermaid in this mythology even though it impossible?

After all, she is one of your favorite Disney princesses.


"Welcome to my kingdom"

Poseidon greets you cheerfully, standing up from his throne and swimming towards you.

"This is the first time I see you in your fish form" you say, looking at his long green teal colored tail, similar to that of Ariel.

"Do you think I look more handsome like that?"

Poseidon inquires pointing at his tail.

"Not really, my husband is prettier"

You answer, causing Triton to chuckle.

"Don't pressure her, your grey hair is not a pleasant sight for young women"

"Get to your point, Poseidon, what do you wish to say" you declare impatiently.

Triton leaves you to speak with his father alone, as Poseidon starts explaining.

"I'm going to offer to join an alliance" you frown.

"Against who?"

"Against Zeus"

You frown in shock at his offer, trying to wrap your mind around it, not believing that he is even suggesting such a thing in the first place.


This is the first thing to come out of your mouth after the proposal.

"I would like to know why"

Poseidon swims around you, giving you a sense of being a prey under his sharp and alluring gaze.

"Apollo will take Zeus's side and I can't go against him"

"What makes you so sure that your husband will take Zeus' side?"

"I know, and I won't be taking any side in any type of rebellion" you seeth through your teeth.

"I think you should overthink your choices"

You quickly turn around to come face to face with a familiar dark haired person.


You mumble out his name.

"The one and only, my dear"


"If I were you, I would have kept her locked up for her protection"

"I don't think it's a good idea anymore, I'm assured that she would stay loyal to me" 

Apollo says, as he sits beside Dionysus, both drinking wine.

"How can you be so sure that she has fallen for you, brother?"

Apollo rolls his eyes at the drunken deity before answering confidently.

"We had sex"

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