"You are the best." She got up kissed his cheek and was about to go out but he held her hand and made her sit back on the chair.


"To sleep."

"Finish it."

"Ya Allah why is my husband so stubborn."

"If you want to see more stubborn person then go ahead and look in the mirror."

She literally got up and went towards the floor length mirror which was fixed on the wall at one corner of the dinning room.

He was looking at her amused resting his face on his hand.

"Oh my lord."

"What happened?"

"I can see you in the mirror." She said with a giggle and he shook his head.

"Bad joke of the day."

"Yes I know because it is the reality."

"Wanna see my stubbornness?" He literally challenged going near her.

"No no I'm fine." She smiled going from there but he held her back keeping his hand beside her head.

Her back was touching the wall and he was standing with only just few steps away from her.

"Little tigress want to challenge me?"

"I haven't said that, you are sooo beautiful you know."

This made him laugh.

"Don't you think beautiful is not the correct word to describe man."

"Allah's creations are beautiful so are you."

"Where did you copied this from?"

"Instagram." She said with a giggle making him laugh.

"You will not change." He said with a smirk taking her in a beautiful kiss.

"You still need lot of practice, I was thinking of training you even for this." He said kissing her again.

"I'm getting trained to protect myself from outsiders, what will I do by getting trained of this."

"Of what?" He asked with a smirk.

"This." She made a little pout making him chuckle.

"Why are you even this shy to say just a word."

"I'm not shameless like you." She had a smirk, looking at him.

"I'm shameless?" He asked with a smirk.

She nodded with a teasing smile.

"Then you are right."

He kept his hand at the back of her head and pulled her closer towards him. She immediately kept her hand on his mouth.

He licked her palm and she immediately took her hand off.

"Eww ALEX." She started wiping her hand on his shirt making him laugh uncontrollably.

"What do you expect from a shameless man love?"

"Disgusting." She said glaring at him making him chuckle.

He gently caressed her cheek making her blush.

"You never stop blushing." He said with a chuckle. They got lost in eachothers eyes.

"Oh I totally forgot we are going somewhere."

"Where? At this hour?"

He nodded kissing her again. He moved back after few seconds and gently kissed her cheek.

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