Character Trailer "Celestite"

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-As usual,please enjoy reading!

In kingdom Of Atlas,where the location is in city of mantle on the atlas scientist lab known as polendina's.

The scientist known as Doctor pietro polendina who is adjusting his inventions an prosthetis arm belongs to zach that his uncle ordered.

Pietro: Hm...lets see...

Then the door swings opened.

???: Doc,i got a call from other scientist that you needed my help.

Pietro: Ah,charles donwa right on time,it seems like you got a customer that needs an prosthetis arm upgrade.

Charles: a customer? Didnt expected to be popular....

The scientist just let out a chuckle.

Charles: so,who is name of the person that ordered from?

Pietro: you maybe recognize his last name exia,right?

Charles: yeah...i- wait....EXIA!!??

Pietro: i believe you recognize that name...

Charles: you mean the hunter that travels around remnant?!

The scientist let out a chuckle by the young blonde boy that filled with excitement.

Pietro: well,indeed...his name is Ethan Exia,he ordered it for his nephew.

Charles: wow,i didnt even expected that he had a nephew...but say no more,for my idol i will try make it perfect!

Charles cleared his throat before speak again.

Charles: before that...uh,can i borrowed your lab for a while??

Pietro: why then?

Charles: i uh....kinda dont want to make a mess infront of Weiss schnee...

Pietro: ah,i afraid you made Ms.schnee scolds you right?

Charles: please do not remind me about that part....

Charles planted his face on the counter in frustration of the memory that weiss schnee always to scold him when them both were kids as the scientist just let out a chuckle.

Pietro: (it seems like young charlie had feelings towards Ms.Schnee) alright,you can use my lab.

Charles: Thanks.....

Pietro: hmm...i do believe,how is my daughter doing with your little brother?

Charles: who? Darwin? I mean...yeah,they usually hangout with each other.

The scientist let out a smile as he dropped his proud father tears

Charles: Doc? Why are your eyes wet?

Pietro: oh,about actually felt happy for my daughter having a friend as herself being Fullmetal robot with emotions.

Charles: like i told darwin,to take care of penny...and of course he agree

Pietro: thats my girl...

Charles: anyhoo,im gonna fetch some materials to build my product...catch you later,doc!

With a smile from doctor polendina as charles go out from the workplace in city of mantle.

As charles roam around the city as he also passed by the fight club and the winning prize is an mechanical parts that seems to caught charles attention.

Charles: (my engineer sense is tingling...)

Charles turned his attention that lots of people gathered on the club.

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