𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫

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❝︎We Got Rid Of It❞︎

THE TRAINING WENT ON FOR WEEKS AND WHEN RAELYNN THOUGHT IT WAS OVER, NATASHA STEPPED IN AND IT REALLY STARTED TO GET DIFFICULT. Natasha had definitely earned her name as the Black Widow, Raelynn could attest to that. When Natasha had pushed her to her limits, Raelynn was convinced she would never be able to walk again. Weeks and weeks passed until five months had come and gone and her training was over. She could shoot a gun beautifully, she could easily throw a punch. She knew enough to protect herself and eventually she would learn enough to know how to go on missions and actually be good at it. That time would come soon enough.

With her training completed, it was time for Raelynn to figure out if there was a way to control the monster that was residing inside of her head. Raelynn was supposed to meet up with Bruce and Rosalynn and get some tests done. She was dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt, her hair flowing over her shoulders as she made her way towards the lab. She had her hands stuffed into the pocket of her sweatshirt as she entered the lab, glancing at Rosalynn as she lightly smacked Bruce's hand away, a smile dancing on her lips.

     "Uh, hi. . ." Raelynn awkwardly cleared her throat. Rosalynn and Bruce turned to look at her and Rosalynn offered her a smile.

     "Raelynn." Rosalynn greeted. "Just have a seat over there and we'll get started. This honestly won't take that long at all." Raelynn sat down and Rosalynn walked over to her, not hesitating to draw blood from her. Raelynn tried not to wince. Needles had always made her a little uncomfortable, even when she was a kid. When Rosalynn was done, Raelynn pulled her arm sleeve back down and sat there uncomfortably.

     When Beth walked in, extremely confused, her eyes landed on Raelynn and her shoulders fell. Almost immediately she knew why she was there. Beth closed her eyes and sighed, convincing herself not to turn around and run away and walk towards Raelynn. Beth softly sighed as she took a stand beside of Raelynn. "Rae, don't do this."

     "I have to." Raelynn told her. "If it comes back, I have to be able to control it. This is the only way."

     "We got rid of it, Rae." Beth gently told her. "I got rid of it."

     "But what if you didn't?" Raelynn argued. "I can feel it, Beth. It's inside of my head. It wants out."

     Beth just looked at her and sighed. "What do you want me to do?"

     "Help me control it." Raelynn answered. "Maybe you can go inside of my head, talk to it, give it reason. I want to use it for good."

     Beth closed her eyes and nodded. "Okay. Alright, fine. When do you want to do this?"

     "As soon as possible."

     "Fine. Come and get me when they're done with your test results. I'll think of what to say when I come face to face with it." Raelynn nodded and then Beth walked away.

     Raelynn impatiently waited for her tests results, and after an hour Rosalynn finally walked back over to her. "Everything looks normal, healthy. There's an anomaly, but I'm almost positive it's from the sleep demon."

     "Great. Thanks Rosalynn." The woman nodded and with that Raelynn walked out.

She made her way to her room first, sitting down on her bed and placing her head in her hands. She took a moment to really think about what she wanted and the more that she thought about it the more she was sure with what she wanted. She knew that this was going to be her only way to be useful, to be helpful. She also knew that everyone would feel more comfortable knowing she had control of the thing that lived inside of her head. She refused to let anymore innocent people get killed. There had to be a way to make this work out, and she knew that Beth would figure out what to say.

Raelynn knew that she had to do this. This was the only way that she could ensure her sisters safety. This was the only way she could ensure everyone's safety. Raelynn let a sigh fall from her lips as she stood up from her bed. This was going to work. She couldn't afford for it to not work. If she were to wake up the beast and not be able to control it, then she might as well just let them shoot her on sight. Shaking her head, she left her room and went in search for Beth.

When she finally found Beth, sitting with Wanda, the couple sharing a meal, Raelynn felt rude for intruding. Wanda glanced up, meeting Raelynn's eyes. She offered the blonde a small smile which caused Beth to turn and look at her.

     Beth sighed and looked at Wanda. "I have to do something."

     Wanda frowned. "Is it dangerous?"

     Beth hesitated. "Potentially."

     "Then I'm coming with you."

     "Wanda, no." Beth grabbed her hand. "It'll be alright."

     "Beth. . ."

     "I promise." Beth leaned forwards and pressed a kiss to her cheek. "When I'm done, maybe you and I can have a movie night."

     Wanda didn't like the idea, but she knew that Beth would be careful. "Alright. Just be careful."

     Beth smiled. "I will." She stood up and walked over to Raelynn. "You know there's no going back after this, right?"

     Raelynn nodded her head. "I know."

     Beth sighed. "Well, if you're sure. Then let's get this thing over with."

They made it back to Raelynn's room and Beth looked at the needle that was laying on the bedside table. It was a sedative that would knock Raelynn out, allowing Beth to enter her mind and try and find the demon. Raelynn got comfortable and then looked at Beth, nodding her head. Beth picked up the needle and with hesitancy, she injected the sedative into Raelynn's shoulder.  After a few seconds, Raelynn was out and it was Beth's time to shine.

  After a few seconds, Raelynn was out and it was Beth's time to shine

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