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She didn't remember how it happened. She remembered sleeping, a nightmare taking over her mind causing for the girl to toss and turn in her sleep. It was when she shot awake that the real nightmare had begun. The blonde let out heavy breaths, closing her eyes tightly as she tried to calm her racing heartbeat. She wasn't exactly sure what it was that she had just seen, but nonetheless it was terrifying, and she needed a glass of cold water in order to wet her parched tongue and dry throat. She pulled the blankets off of her body, running a hand through her blonde locks as she made her way out of the room.

She walked down the hall, glancing towards her sisters room and letting a gentle smile fall on her lips before she continued through the mostly quite house, the only noise being that of the television that was softly playing due to her parents staying up a little later in order to watch their show that they would always watch before they went to bed. The smell of metal quickly hit her nose, causing her nose to scrunch up in disgust.

Entering the living room, she was simply going to continue forwards, but stopped when she saw red. The blood covered the walls and the floors, her parents bodies covered in the ruby color, and before she could stop herself, a scream of fear erupted from her lips and she was quick to grab the phone, making the necessary calls before putting it back. She didn't think that the nightmare had been that bad, she didn't think. . . was she the reason her parents were dead? Sobs escaped her lips, tears rolling down her cheeks before the sound of her little sister's voice filled her ears, causing her to snap her head towards the doorway.

"Sissy?" She quietly asked. Raelynn looked at her sister who was gripping her teddy bear tightly in her grasp.

Raelynn's head snapped towards her little sister, her eyes widening. "Ari, Ari go back to bed."

The little girl ignored her, turning her head only to stop when she saw her mother and father laying there. Blood coated their bodies. Raelynn was quick to run up to her sister, moving her head away from the body of her dead parents. Tears rolled down the little girls cheeks as she looked at Raelynn who kneeled down so that she was meeting her eye level. She cupped Aurelia's cheeks in her hands.

"Just look at me." Raelynn shook her head, trying to keep her own tears from falling. "Just look at me, okay?"

"What's wrong with mommy and daddy?"

Swallowing thickly, Raelynn met her sisters eyes. "An accident happened. Okay? An accident happened, and I couldn't stop it. I couldn't―︎I couldn't stop them from getting hurt." She's ran a hand through Aurelia's hair. "The police and ambulance are on their way. So is social services."

"Social what?"

"Social services." Raelynn let in a shaky breath. "People who are going to take you away, okay? Take you somewhere safe."

"I don't wanna go." Aurelia shook her head, a fresh new set of tears falling. "I don't wanna go, don't make me go, Rae I don't wanna go."

"I know, I know."

"I don't wanna leave you. I wanna stay with you. Don't let them take me."


Aurelia threw her arms tightly around her older sister, sobbing into her shoulder as she repeated over and over that she didn't want to go. But when they arrived, they were quick to rip the girl from her sisters arms, causing her to cry out and thrash in the man's arms as she tried to reach for Raelyn who watched her leave with a reassuring smile.

"I'll find you, Aria." Were Raelynn's last words before Aurelia was placed into the car, and was driven away from the crimson stained home, leaving Raelynn to stand there as the police came in to ask her what it was that had taken place.

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