𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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❝︎The Truth❞︎

"WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO COME WITH ME TO THE AVENGERS COMPOUND TO TALK?" Raelynn hesitantly asked. "I don't want to take you away from this place, because I know that it means a lot to you, but I would really like it if you came and saw the place that was really important to me."

Aurelia pursed her lips for a moment, glancing at Scott. "Will you be okay without me?" Aurelia softly asked. "I don't want to leave you here alone."

Scott smiled at his best friend, nodding his head. "I'll be okay. She's your sister, you should go. All I ask is for you to stay in touch."

Aurelia smiled and nodded. "Of course." She turned to look at Charles. "Professor?" Charles just nodded his head and approval and Aurelia looked at her sister. "Okay, to the Avengers Compound it is then." Raelynn nodded her head. Aurelia quickly gave Scott a tight hug and Scott hugged her back before they said their goodbye's and Aurelia followed her sister outside and to the car where Beth was patiently waiting.

Aurelia climbed in the backseat and looked at Beth. Beth turned to look at her and offered her a kind smile. "You must be Aurelia, I'm Beth."

"Nice to meet you."

They made it back to the Avengers Compound. Beth got out and gave Raelynn a reassuring nod before leaving the two sisters alone. Aurelia looked up at the giant compound and her mouth fell agape. This place was possibly bigger than the school was, which was extremely big Aurelia noted. She turned to look at her older sister who offered her a small smile and made her way into the entrance. Aurelia followed quickly after her.

"This place is huge. . ." Aurelia whispered, turning in a circle as they went inside before catching up with her sister. Her eyes spotted two people walking by and her mouth dropped. "Was that Captain America and the Black Widow?"

Raelynn chuckled in amusement at her state of awe and nodded her head. "Yes, yes it was."

"You just walk around with Earth's Mightiest Heroes everyday like it's no big deal?"

"You literally walked around with the X-Men, how is this any different?"

"Because the X-Men aren't completely public. The Avengers are all out there." Aurelia explained as they entered an elevator and went up a few floors. "I've read all about them, you know. I know all about people like Liliya Petrova, Eloise Gardner. The way they save all these people and give them a second chance, it's admirable."

"They saved me," Raelynn whispered.

Aurelia frowned, looking at her. "What do you mean?"

"Let's get to my room and we'll talk."

Aurelia stopped as Raelynn kept walking. "Wait, you have a room here?" Raelynn just nodded and Aurelia smiled before quickly following after her. They made it into the room and Raelynn closed the door behind her. She fixed them both a cup of coffee before sitting down on the couch beside Aurelia.

Raelynn sighed. "I'm not going to lie to you, Aria, what I'm about to tell you is going to hurt. You're probably going to look at me like a monster and once I tell you everything, I can get Beth to take you back to the school."

Aurelia frowned, placing her cup down on the table. "What could you have possibly done to make me think that?"

Raelynn closed her eyes and sighed, taking a deep breath before ripping off the band-aid. "I'm the reason our parents are dead." Aurelia seemed to freeze and Raelynn couldn't look at her. Her eyes were focused on her hands. "When we were kids, I developed this. . . monster. Whenever I would go to sleep, it would physically appear. It was literally a walking nightmare and it killed people. Our parents became the first victim. I didn't have any control of it, what I do know is that when I woke up, I knew it was my fault. I tried to hide you from it." Tears were streaming down her face as she remembered it all. "I told you to go back to bed, but you wouldn't listen to me. You saw them and you were so confused, you were so young, you didn't understand death yet."

"When social services came, they took you away. They put you in an orphanage which was where Charles found you, but I was there and I was questioned by the police. They claimed it was an accident and I was thrown into a different orphanage and I never saw you again." Raelynn wiped away her tears and shook her head. "I'm so sorry, Aurelia. Everything that happened to you was my fault."

Raelynn was surprsied when Aurelia reached over and placed a hand on top of her sisters. Raelynn looked at her sister in surprise. Aurelia just shook her head, wiping away tears of her own. "It is not your fault. You said it yourself, you couldn't control it. You were only a kid, Rae. I don't blame you at all. Besides, I think everything that happened to me would've happened anyways. You are not the only one with strange and unusual powers."

Raelynn shook her head. "One day I ran away from the orphanage. I knew if I stayed there any longer that innocent kids were going to get slaughtered and I didn't want that, so I ran. Instead, innocent people were killed No matter where I went, which way I turned, someone died. I just wanted sleep, but every time I fell asleep, someone died. That's when Natasha found me. She brought me back here and a few weeks ago, they finally got rid of the monster. I can't help but feel like it's still there, still lingering."

"And if it is, we'll figure it out, just like they did last time." Aurelia softly told her. "I don't think that you're a monster. I think you're just a person that had trauma and didn't know how to handle it, so it just formed into a monster that came out. Maybe it just wanted justice for the things that you were put through, maybe that's why it got stronger and stronger as the years flew by. I'm glad you had people to help you. The Avengers to you are how the X-Men were for me."

Raelynn shook her head, confused. "I don't understand. Why don't you hate me?"

Aurelia shrugged her shoulders. "Because it wasn't your fault. I can't blame you for something you couldn't control. That would be like Scott trying to blame me for Jean's death when in reality no one, not even Jean, had control over that." Aurelia softly sighed. "You're my sister, Raelynn. One who I haven't seen for years, and if I'm being honest, I thought you were dead. After everything that I've just had to go through, I wouldn't mind having a shoulder to lean on."

Raelynn offered her a small smile and opened her arms. Aurelia moved over and leaned into her sisters embrace, closing her eyes as her sisters arms enclosed around her. This was the first true moment of comfort Aurelia's had since Jean died and she couldn't help but be thankful for her sister in that moment.

 This was the first true moment of comfort Aurelia's had since Jean died and she couldn't help but be thankful for her sister in that moment

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𝐁𝐄𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐈 𝐖𝐀𝐊𝐄━︎━︎ Marvel ✓︎Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang