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June 9, 2023

I saw a real-life penis for the first time last night. It was interesting. It was a little floppier than I expected it to be, like the kind of floppiness a soggy baguette would offer. I wish I was able to actually touch it, rather than lick around it because my eyes really had no clue about texture. So, to confirm or deny my thoughts on how rubbery a dick was wasn't possible last night. Even though his penis was sitting on top of a patch of lap broccoli, I was still able to get a good look, and what fascinated me the most was how it was hard but still had loose-ish skin. What's with that? Does Virginia have extra skin?

I tried giving her a good look earlier this morning with my compact mirror but was startled when Lisa banged on the door, causing me to drop my compact and break my powder. After that, I left Virginia alone and just assumed her skin was normal. She didn't feel loose down there.

I started a new book today, and it jumped right into the sex. I've found reading some erotic novels was more about the sex and less about the storyline, and do you know what? For an interested girl like me, I rather enjoyed it. The only drawback was when I read at lunch, Sir Licks-a-Lot sat on his perch, aka my filing cabinet, and licked himself while keeping his eyes on me the whole time...his little leg stretched in the air as he licked his balls. It was rather uncomfortable, as if he was trying to tell me, this is how the sex really went down. So now when I read about a woman going down on a man, my first thought is of Sir Licks-a-Lot, and there is something entirely wrong with that image on many levels.

But, back to the erotic novels, I found that the authors describe the woman's vagina as, 1) their sex and 2) like a blossoming flower, opening up for the man's seed. Now, in my head, when I think about this, all I can picture is a giant vagina, opening its lady folds for the penis of its choice. This confused me more about the concept of extra skin in the vaginal area. I tried googling extra skin, vagina, and let's just say I won't be doing that again. Something about a blue waffle popped up, and I'm pretty sure I dry-heaved for half an hour after that.

I've written some more in my book, but I feel a little at a loss and I don't know if that's because my life is at a bit of a standstill. It's hard to write romance when it's completely lacking in your life. I mean, I like to think I know romance, but when it comes to me experiencing it, I get so close but fail at the end. Am I doomed to be lonely for the rest of my life? Am I going to turn into Gladys, who walks around with a cat clinging to the back of her sweater without her knowledge? I hope to God not.

"Jennie, are you coming? Pizza is here," Jisoo called out from the living room.

"Be right there," I said, as I closed up my journal and stuffed it away.

I was feeling a bit melancholy today, because not only did Alejandro completely wipe me off of his dating radar—didn't blame the man—but Taecyeon hadn't called me either, and I never heard back from Greg, so all dating prospects failed me. It seemed too good to be true.

After a long day at work, I crawled into a warm bath and read, trying to block out reality for a small portion of time, but that was short-lived when Jisoo came banging on the door claiming she needed to go to the bathroom and she needed her privacy. It was the downfall of sharing an apartment with two other human beings; bathroom time wasn't quiet time, it was do your business and get out time.

That's when I went back to my room to read a little of the book Lisa gave me and write in my journal.

"Pizza's getting cold," Jisoo called out again, starting to get on my nerves.

I pulled a sweatshirt over my head and slipped on my Care Bear slippers, yeah, I was an eight-year-old girl.

"There she is," Bo-hyun said while slowly clapping. "She decided to grace us with her presence."

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