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I was able to avoid my roommates all night last night, but now that it was Sunday morning and they were starting to trickle out of their rooms from their slumbers, avoidance was impossible. Lisa was wearing a pair of plaid pajama pants...and sporting a sports bra again...that was it. Her hair was pushed to the side from her pillow, creating a rather hilarious bedhead effect. Jisoo walked out of her room wearing a long shirt and her pink slippers.

Together, they traveled like zombies straight to the coffee maker, where there was some fresh brew waiting for them. I was that nice.

I sat on one of the kitchen stools, watching them while sipping on my own cup of coffee. I waited for the caffeine to touch their lips to see them light up and realize I was in the kitchen, waiting for their questions.

As usual¸ Lisa was the first one to perk up since it always took Jisoo longer. She rubbed the side of her head and gave me a lazy smile.

"Good morning, love. How was the date? I tried asking you last night, but you were already asleep. I hope everything went well."

I shrugged my shoulders and smiled over my coffee cup.

Lisa stopped in her tracks, mug halfway to her mouth when she said, "Did you lose your virginity?"

"No! Really, Lisa? On the first date?" I laughed at the look on her face.

Relief flashed through her eyes as she settled in next to me.

"From the look in your eyes, you can't blame me for asking. So, what happened?"

"He kissed me," I said with a bright smile, still remembering how it felt to be held by Taecyeon, to have his lips on mine, demanding more.

"Did he kiss your pussy?" Jisoo asked from where she was perched on the counter. Her voice sounded like a seventy-year-old smoker. She had the most amazing morning voice ever. Sometimes, when we were all drunk, Lisa and I would try to imitate it, but Bo-hyun was the only one who came close to doing justice to the impersonation.

"No, why would you ask that?"

"Just wondering. Didn't know if there were more juicy details than just a kiss."

"It wasn't just a kiss," I replied. "He was sweet and tender..."

"Don't say tender," Jisoo held up her hand. "God, I hate that word. And moist. When you're writing, please make sure never to say his tender hands ran up my moist lady folds. God, I gag just thinking about it."

"Okaaay," I dragged out. "Moist and tender are stricken from my vocabulary. Lisa, would you like me to remove any words as well?"

"Choad, that word is nasty."

"Why would I ever use that word?"

"Who knows? You're a loose cannon."

That was true, especially since I was so easily influenced by the books I read. For heaven's sake, before my conversation with Lisa, I was thinking about what other things could be held in a woman's butt hole.

"So, anything else happen?" Jisoo asked, changing the subject back to the date.

I grimaced as I set my coffee cup down.

"The night was going fantastic..."

"Was going? Uh oh, what happened?" Lisa interrupted.

"Let her tell the story," Jisoo said while smacking Lisa's shoulder and sitting on the counter next to me, snuggling up for storytime.

"The night was going fantastic," I repeated. "I bowled terribly, and he was great, of course." Lisa rolled her eyes. "We had a nice conversation at the bar for a bit, talking about traveling and where we would want to go."

Inexperienced | JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now