"For bringing this wretched dog back to you," he kneaded her waist, and Autumn squirmed.

She tilted her head upward, meeting his enigmatic blue eyes. Gratitude was the last thing on her mind, held back by her unwavering pride.

"You know?" He raised his hand, intending to touch Peaches, but Autumn, aware of his discomfort around her baby boy, swiftly moved the dog to her other side, inadvertently waking him. Peaches caught sight of Zyler and emitted a low whine, followed by a menacing growl.

"It's alright, baby," Autumn reassured the pup, her fingers gently caressing his fur to soothe him and prevent any escalation. She became wholly absorbed in comforting Peaches, focusing on the dog. Unbeknownst to her, Zyler seized the opportunity to instill fear, reaching for his gun and caressing it while maintaining an unwavering stare into the dog's eyes.

The dog growled further, not backing down. "What is the matter, mutt? Want me to put you to sleep?" Zyler chuckled; his comment laden with a sinister undertone. Autumn shot him a glare that could have incinerated him if her eyes possessed that power. She understood all too well the sinister connotations of Zyler's use of the word "sleep."

Her voice dripping with determination, Autumn issued a fierce warning to Zyler, her protective instincts in full force. "You will not get anywhere near him," she declared, her resolve unyielding.

Zyler's once playful demeanor vanished, and he grabbed Autumn by the neck, his grip tightening ominously. "Watch yourself, doll," he warned in a cold, harsh tone. "I don't appreciate my doll showing affection to anyone but me. You wouldn't want anything to happen to your baby." He spoke with deadly seriousness.

"I would love to see you try," she challenged, her gaze holding his gaze captive. If it were anyone else, Zyler would've blasted their head for challenging him, but he couldn't do it to his dahlia. He menacingly tapped his gun as a warning before returning it to his holster. The dog, trembling with fear, sought refuge closer to Autumn, seeking comfort in her protective presence.

His phone rang, jolting him out of his thoughts. He slipped his hand into his pocket and retrieved the phone, sliding the green button to answer the call. "Hello, Cole."

"I've managed to dig up some information on the woman," Cole began, his voice low and cautious. "I couldn't find a name or address, but she's in her twenties. I had to break into the records; even then, it was slim pickings. Just her age and some basic features, nothing more. No name, no date of birth." Cole tapped a few keys on his laptop, bringing up April's limited record.

"I want her out of there, and I'll handle it personally," Zyler declared, his impatience evident as he drummed his fingers on the ground.

"Security is incredibly tight. It might be close to impossible," Cole warned, fully aware of Zyler's determination but also mindful of the risks involved.

Zyler let out a chuckle, his brow furrowing in thought. "Liam is a busy man, Cole. He'll have to step out at some point. If not, we'll create a distraction. Cut the power to the entire area. Jam their backup generator in that wing. By any means necessary tonight, I'm getting her out."

"And once I have her, Liam will be on his knees." Zyler knew victory would be his soon. Women are a means to an end.

Cole sighed reluctantly. "Alright, I'll start planning."

Zyler ended the call with a click, slipping his phone back into his pocket, his gaze drifting outside. "Liam Hart is in love," he muttered, his words audible enough for Autumn to hear. Zyler was certain of it; he himself had fallen victim to love's entanglements. Love had a way of making even the strongest vulnerable. Something significant was afoot if Liam was willing to emerge from hiding and go to such lengths for a woman with high-security protection. With his female siblings deceased, it wasn't likely to be his mother.

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