Chapter 43

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When we are back at Sandgem Town, we find Professor Rowan and Lucas at the lab. Professor Rowan says, "You guys have come back! All of you leave me speechless! You've done it! You really have done it! Never has my heart pounded this hard for so long in my 60 years of living!"

"After you left, the professor did a lot of checking around. He got really worried about you, guys. He got in touch with people he knows to rustle up help... You didn't need it. I'm glad to see you back safe, too."

"Oh, yes, there was something I had to tell you. The three Pokemon of the lakes appear to have returned to their homes." Professor Rowan says.

"That's awesome." We all nod in agreement. Then we decide to bid farewell to them and head back to Valor Lakefront so we can head to Route 222.

Continuing our journey, we manage to find James' vacation house and we helped James get away from Jessebelle. But in the end, they are still blasting off. After that, we meet an Air Battle Master named McCann, after battling his Scizor with their Gliscor, he offers us to let him train Gliscor until the League. We give him the option to choose and Gliscor decides to train with McCann for a while.

As we're going to Daybreak Town for Dawn's next Pokemon Contest, we arrive at Brussel Town and meet Zoey and Candice. Zoey has her fifth ribbon in the contest as we watch and thanks us for our cheering.

Dawn decides to prepare for the required Double Performance, hoping to avoid the mistakes that led to her early exit from the Hearthome Contest. At the same time, I also notice that Paul already has his eighth badge, much to our surprise.

After that, Dawn and Zoey have a double battle with her new members Leafeon and Kirlia. Mamoswine starts by using the same technique it did before with Pachirisu. As the ice spins around Cyndaquil, it uses Flame Wheel to spin along it melting it in the process. Steam rises from the previous combination and the resulting water from the melted ice pours over Cyndaquil extinguishing its flame.

Dawn tries to have Cyndaquil turn into a Flame Wheel and Mamoswine does the same technique it did before. Then she orders Mamoswine to shoot another Ice Shard at the spinning ice, freezing Cyndaquil in it while it continues to spin in a Flame Wheel. Dawn names her new combination 'Flame Ice'. Then, Cyndaquil proceeds in attacking Zoey's Pokémon by charging to them using Flame Wheel while still inside the ice. As it approaches them, the ice breaks, and Kirlia along with Leafeon dodges the attack.

Zoey's reply comes by ordering Kirlia and Leafeon to use Magical Leaf. Next, Kirlia uses Psychic to direct the leaves towards Mamoswine and Cyndaquil knocking both of them out in the process. After that, we decide to bid farewell to them as we continue our journey.

The day before the Daybreak Contest will take place, we arrive in town. Dawn and her Pokémon are enthusiastic to win their fifth Ribbon, so we all head towards the Contest Hall to practice.

"It's time to get that Flame Ice move working great." Daniel says.

"Of course you're using moves other than Flame Ice. So make certain that all are in the tip-top shape as well." Tox says.

"You know I'm going to perfect all my moves, and win this contest just for sure." Dawn says, but when she notices the Plusle and Minun, she gasps, "Oh no..."

"Dawn, are you okay?" Lillie asks, "What's up with you?"

"You guys!" We are surprised to see Ursula approaching us with Plusle and Minun.

"It's been a while, so you are here for the contest, Ash?" Ursula asks.

"I already have five, Dawn has four, so she will be participating in this one." I say.

Ash's Story (Part 5: Modern Sinnoh)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant