Chapter 25

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When we head out to the Pokemon Center the next day, we find a Team Galactic Grunt. "Hahaha! The package finally came from the Veilstone warehouse! So, now it's my job to deliver this to the lake! This is an important mission. No failure allowed! no making boo-boos like wandering off into the Great Marsh!"

"What did you say?" When we ask, the Grunt is shocked. "You were eavesdropping! I was just talking loudly to myself!" What an idiot. "If I wasn't in a hurry, I'd pulverize you with my Pokemon! But I have to get on my way to the lake ASAP! So you're lucky! I'm out! oh, and listen up, you! Don't you dare follow me!"

He tries to make a runaway, so we chase him as he's at the gate to Route 213. "Gweh! Persistent pest! If our plan works, our boss's dream comes closer to fruition! Our boss's ideal world is going to be created! So I'm not going to waste my time on a nobody like you! I'm telling you now, don't you come chasing after me!"

As if we'll listen to him, but just as we move forward, we bump into... why am I not surprised? "Whoops! Hehehe! I'm not going to plow into you every time we meet! So how's it going, guys? Buffing up your Pokémon, eh? I'll test you and your Pokémon out to see how buff and tough you are!"

"Not now, Gary..." I mutter, but he already sent out his four Pokemon to battle, the fortunate thing is that our Buneary evolve into a Lopunny during the battle, and we use it to win against Barry.

Lopunny: The Rabbit Pokemon: Normal Type. Evolve from Buneary by leveling up with high friendship during daytime. An extremely cautious Pokémon. It cloaks its body with its fluffy ear fur when it senses danger.

"Heh, yeah, maybe you did get a bit tougher since last time. That even shocked me a bit, so yeah, I got beat 'cause I was careless." Barry says.

"You know we don't have time for a battle. We were just chasing the Team Galactic grunt who is having some sort of bomb." Dawn says.

"Sorry, then you should chase him down! If you're not a Pokémon, and you run like that... You're a bad guy. All right! Next time, I'm not holding back!" Then he leaves, and we all rush to chase after the grunt.

We find him at Route 213 on the beach, and he says, "We needed the energy from the Valley Windworks to make this... It would take a scientific genius to make something like this... Therefore our boss, who made this, is a scientific genius!"

"There you are..." We mutter as the grunt is shocked. "Graw! You were eavesdropping! I was just thinking out loud! You're a persistent pest... I'm getting tired of running away... But I'm not going to waste my energy knocking you around..."

Then he runs away again, and we chase him until we arrive at Valor Lakefront. It is a long ride, but thanks to our Pokemon we can chase after him.

"Why am I running like this anyway? That new universe the boss was talking about... It's giving me goose bumps thinking about it. So, we use this..." Then he spots us again and he still thinks that he's talking to himself, and he says, "You're persistent, too... I'm pooped out from all the running... But, I'm not... going to battle you."

And finally, we arrive in front of Lake Valor, and he says, "Aww, no! You're still on my tail? The lake's within sight. You leave me no choice... My Pokemon will knock you out."

He finally decides to battle, but he only has a Glameow, which is easily defeated by Lopunny. "I can't battle anymore. I'm running on fumes...I'll have to give this to the commander. I wish I got to use it at the lake..."

He is running away again, but this time he's nowhere in sight. We grit our teeth until we find Cynthia approaching us. "Oh , hello , long time no see! How is your Pokédex filling up?"

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