Chapter 40

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When we arrive at a village and we find a Marill stuck between two buildings. Pikachu and Piplup struggle to pull it out, but Marill eventually uses Water Gun to force itself out.

"There you are!" We notice a girl rushing to Marill, and she demands, "Now how did you manage to get here?"

"Is this Marill belongs to you?" Dawn asks.

"It sure does, but it just disappeared." Then she recalls her Pokemon. "Lyra's the name. Hi."

We also introduce ourselves and Lyra asks, "Wait, you are the Ash Ketchum who defeated Lance? I've got something to show you! The Johto Festival is now in the village."

"Johto Festival? Is that a thing?" Gladion asks. And she decides to show us around. "Wow... it reminds me of the Twinleaf Festival a few days ago."

"Yeah, my family and I have been helping out in a stand." Just as she is about to show them, they see a girl rushing towards them. "Lyra, where have you run off to? We are worried about you."

"Sorry, my Marill was missing until these guys found it." Lyra says.

But the girl gasps after seeing us, and we recognize her as our former travel companion Kris. "Ash! Lillie! Long time no see!"

"Kris! It's bee a while!" Lillie says as they hug each other.

"Ethan is going to be happy to see you two again." Kris says. "

"So you all know Kris?" Lyra asks.

"Of course, we travel together, challenging gyms together in the Johto Region along with Ethan." Lillie says.

"Lyra here is my cousin, and we are all here for the Johto Festival." Kris says.

When we all get to the festival stand, we also meet up with Ethan, who is happy to see us. "Ash! Lillie! What a surprise."

"You too, Ethan." I say, and Pikachu and Togetic are also happy to see them. "And it's nice to see you two as well, Pikachu, and Togetic!"

Then we also meet a boy Khoury, and he seems to have a problem with Totodile, so I ask if he has Chesto Berries so that I can help him out. "You're as helpful as always, Ash." Kris says.

"Yeah, we are still learning a lot." I say.

We learn that Khoury's father is the one who is responsible for the whole festival, and Ethan says, "That reminds me, Lyra, since you're challenging the Johto Gyms, you can probably learn a lot from Ash after all."

"That also reminds me, are you also challenging the Sinnoh League and Grand Festival as well?" Kris asks.

"Of course. I have seven badges and five ribbons, I can compete at the Grand Festival." I say, "And Lillie is also challenging the Sinnoh Gyms with me."

"That's great, Lillie." Ethan says.

"Thanks." Lillie says.

"I only have two of them." Lyra says. "I beat Falkner and Bugsy."

"Well, it is going to get harder." I say.

Then we learn that there is a show of the Johto Starter Pokemon, and Lyra is on stage having an exhibition match with Dawn. Dawn wins and gets an egg as a prize, but Team Rocket comes and steals the egg.

"Are you telling me those idiots are still following you?" Kris asks

"Who are you calling idiots?" Meowth yells.

"You three of course. You never learned and that is what idiots do." Ethan says with a smirk. "How many times have they chased after you?"

"906 times." I say. "94 left and they'll be bye-bye."

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