I still love you - Flower Husbands (Secret Life)

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"Well I am not talking to him," Jimmy said, Martyn raised an eyebrow.

"And why not? He clearly wants to talk to you," Martyn responded.

"I just can't," Jimmy stood and walked over to the door, "I'll go tell Joel, but you have to hit him the next time to see him, okay?" Martyn chuckled.

"Joel or Scott?" He asked, Jimmy hit his arm.

"You know who," Jimmy said in a tired tone.

Martyn put his hands up in defense, "Okay, okay."

Jimmy begrudgingly made his way to the mounders base and- wait. Jimmy paused. He could make Martyn happy and not deal with Joel's complaining. He could just not do it around Martyn. It was a fool proof plan! Jimmy turned around, he saw Scott and Impulse talking in the distance. He quickly ducked behind a tree, pressing his back too it.

They began to walk over to where Jimmy was standing, "I don't get it Impulse, what is wrong with him?" Scott said, he sounded exhausted.

"Maybe he's afraid?" Jimmy heard Impulse say in a soft voice.

"Afraid of what?!" They stopped and judging by the 'smack', Scott must have thrown his hands in the air and let them fall back to his sides.

"Well for starters..." Impulse trailed off and Scott groaned, seemingly knowing exactly what he was going to say. "Have you ever noticed that when you bring it up he freezes?"

"Well yeah-...." Scott cut himself off, "You don't think he's uncomfortable.... Right?" He asked in a small voice that made Jimmy want to cry.

Who could they be talking about? Jimmy didn't know, but there was no way Scott made anyone uncomfortable, at least not intentionally.

"I don't think he's uncomfortable per-say.... Do you want to know why he broke up with-" Scott cut Impulse off.

"I really don't," The green life said, beginning to walk again.

"Its because-" Scott groaned, Impulse ignored him, "-he still loves you, that's what Tango said," And that's when Jimmy realized, they were talking about him.

"I don't believe that, if he still loved me wouldn't he say that?" Scott questioned, they stopped again.

No, Jimmy thought, no I wouldn't.

"No, not really. Jimmy's timid, he's fragile, ya know?" Jimmy felt anger rise in him.

He was not- "He isn't fragile!" Scott defended, Jimmy's brain short circuited as Scott said the thing he was thinking, "He's hurt, he's been burned before, by me, may I add," He said, Scott almost sounded guilty.

Jimmy slid down the tree, sitting on the ground, his knees pulled to his chest.

"Exactly, that's why he would never tell you that without prompting," Impulse reasoned. "You guys need to have an actual conversation," He groaned.

"I've tried!" Scott exclaimed, "Either A: he runs from me, B: Martyn steps between us and distracts me so he can run from me, or C: he straight up pretends he can't hear me."

Jimmy peaked around the tree; Scott was leaning against a rock by the Secret Keeper, his arms crossed over his chest. He had an almost distraught look on his face. Jimmy couldn't help but think about how pretty he looked, the Secret Keeper's dark clouds only activated once you were close to it. Jimmy was maybe 15 feet away, not close enough to trigger it; so he could see how the sun backlit Scott and made it look like he was glowing.

His hair was soft and flowy, the green streak he had in it for the games (like usual) made the cyan locks pop more. He had blue makeup around his eyes for the whole band look they had going on. Speaking of the band look, he had an almost plastic looking blue transparent jacket. It matched with his shoes, Jimmy noticed; of course it did, Scott was nothing if not a fashionista. He had a white shirt with that same turquoise heart design on it that it almost always did. (It changed color based on his color during the games. Sometimes he just wore his normal white t-shirt with the colored lines on it but not usually for the life games.) Jimmy had only just now noticed that one of Scott's sleeves was off his shoulder, it was a peasant top. He had pulled one of the sleeves up and given up on the other one, letting it hang loose around his elbow. He wore normal jeans, the shirt tucked into it; a chain hung from his belt loop.

Jimmy caught himself staring and quickly hid behind the tree again, pressing his back to it. He could feel the rough bark against his back.

"Catch him or something," Impulse said.

"Oh yeah, cause that will make him less scared of me, now won't it Impulse?" Scott said sarcastically.

"It shouldn't be that hard, he is literally right over there," Impulse said.

The sentence made Jimmy's body jolt, "What?" Scott asked, Jimmy heard Scott kick himself off the rock.

"He was just staring at us. Don't worry, he can't hear us," Oh yes I can, Jimmy thought.

"Well I can't just walk up to him, can I?" Scott asked in an exasperated tone.

"Oh yes you can," The brunette said.

"Impulse you can't make-" Scott cuts himself off with a high pitched squeak.

Jimmy looked around the tree and had to cover his mouth to keep himself from bursting into uncontrollable laughter. Impulse was a big dude, he was tall, he was hefty, he was very strong. So it almost wasn't a surprise that he threw Scott over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Scott wasn't that short but- well-... It just looked funny, okay?! Give him a break! Scott gave up on fighting the moment Impulse started moving, going limp against the dwarf with an annoyed look on his face.

It took Jimmy a moment to realize that the reason he did this was to make them talk to each other, and he did not want to do that! Jimmy quickly turned around but was almost immediately pulled back by his shirt and shoved into the tree. He braced his hands behind his back to catch himself against the bark. Impulse had a self satisfied look on his face as he placed Scott down.

"Now talk," He said, before turning to Jimmy, "He's yours now," the comment made both Jimmy and Scott blush.

With that Impulse walked away, the two stood there awkwardly for a moment.

"We- we don't have to-" Jimmy cut him off.

"I still love you!" He blurted quickly, Scott's eyes widened as Jimmy looked down at the ground.

Silence stretched between the two young adults. The tension was so thick you could cut with with a knife. Jimmy felt heat creep up on his cheeks as he continued to look at the ground.

"Well then..." Scott muttered after a while, "Maybe..... Maybe I love you too.." Jimmy's head snapped up.

"Wait really?" He looked into Scott's green (usually blue) eyes.

"Yeah.." Scott admitted with a smile, "Yeah, I do.." Jimmy felt his heart soar as he smiled back at the man in front of him.

"Can I-..." He trailed off and made a slight gesture with his head.

Scott's smile got brighter, he chuckled as his eyes trailed down to look at the grass, "Yeah, go ahead."

Jimmy stepped closer and lifted Scott's chin so they locked eyes. A pink blush settled across his nose bridge and on his cheeks as he looked up at Jimmy; Scott's eyes glittered with adoration. Jimmy smiled down at him, eyes soft with love for the cyannette. Scott had always been slightly shorter than Jimmy, by maybe 3 or 4 inches. Jimmy thought it was kinda funny. When Jimmy leaned in to kiss him, Scott met him halfway.


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